BA Jurisprudence Admissions Statistics (Singapore)
I am writing to request for the admissions statistics for BA Jurisprudence, preferably for the UCAS Cycle 2024 - for entry in 2024 or deferred entry in 2025? Specifically;
1) The LNAT MCQ and essay score of Singapore-domiciled students who applied, applicants interviewed, and offer holders
2) The predicted/achieved Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level scores of students who applied, applicants interviewed, and offer holders
3) The interview score of international applicants interviewed and offer holders (Please list the scores for the first, second and third, if any, interview separately)
4) The average first, second and third (if any) interview score of international applicants interviewed and offer holders
5) The Law Admissions Manual for 2024 entry year
If the pool of applicants taking the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level is so small such that there is high risk of identification of individuals, I am happy to accept the aggregate data from UCAS Cycle 2022 to UCAS Cycle 2024 for points 1-2 so as to reduce this risk. I would greatly appreciate it if the data for points 1-4 were to be combined in an excel sheet and a separate pdf for point 5.
Thank you very much!
Yours faithfully,
Odelia Sia
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From: Odelia <[FOI #1161233 email]>
Sent: 19 August 2024 9:38 AM
To: FOI <[University of Oxford request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - BA Jurisprudence Admissions
Statistics (Singapore)
I am writing to request for the admissions statistics for BA
Jurisprudence, preferably for the UCAS Cycle 2024 - for entry in 2024 or
deferred entry in 2025? Specifically;
1) The LNAT MCQ and essay score of Singapore-domiciled students who
applied, applicants interviewed, and offer holders
2) The predicted/achieved Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level scores of
students who applied, applicants interviewed, and offer holders
3) The interview score of international applicants interviewed and offer
holders (Please list the scores for the first, second and third, if any,
interview separately)
4) The average first, second and third (if any) interview score of
international applicants interviewed and offer holders
5) The Law Admissions Manual for 2024 entry year
If the pool of applicants taking the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level is so
small such that there is high risk of identification of individuals, I am
happy to accept the aggregate data from UCAS Cycle 2022 to UCAS Cycle 2024
for points 1-2 so as to reduce this risk. I would greatly appreciate it if
the data for points 1-4 were to be combined in an excel sheet and a
separate pdf for point 5.
Thank you very much!
Yours faithfully,
Odelia Sia
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Dear FOI Oxford,
By law, there should have been a response to my request by 17 September 2024, however, there has not been one. I do hope that the data will be sent promptly if it this request is approved. Thank you very much!
Yours sincerely,
Dear Odelia
With apologies for the delay, I am still making enquiries as to the data you have requested. However, I will write to you with a fuller response including data later today.
With kind regards
Joshua Hodgson
Information Compliance Assistant
Information Compliance Team
Assurance Directorate | University of Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD|
Dear Odelia,
I write in response to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 below. Please find attached the University's response to your request.
Yours sincerely
FOI Oxford
Information Compliance Team
Assurance Directorate | University of Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD
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