BA History Admission Statistics

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, University College London should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear University College London,

I am writing to you regarding your BA History (V100) course.
Could you please provide myself with an Excel spreadsheet with the following data/information from the last 2 admission cycles:
1) A Level grades (predicted)
2) A Level grades (achieved)
3) Whether an offer was made
4) How many contextual offers were made

Also, what was the lowest GCSE grade combination for those given an offer?

Yours faithfully,

J Singh

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request please accept this
email as acknowledgement that your request has been received. You should
expect a response from us within 20 working days. 

“You will appreciate that all information requests place some degree of
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and that UCL may need to prioritise resources to other areas, or adapt its
usual approach to information compliance work, in order to meet the
unprecedented challenges we are all facing during the Coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic.


Therefore, we need to advise you may experience delays in receiving
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