This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'BA Economics (PPE) Past Exam Papers'.

University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD 
Ref: FOI/20210604/4 
 02 July 2021 
Reply to request for information under the Freedom of Information Act  
Your ref 
Email of 4th June 

Could you please release the exam papers which students of the Philosophy, Politics and 
Economics (PPE) BA sat in the  last three academic years?  
In particular, I am interested in: 
  Game Theory 
  Economics of Industry 
  International Economics 
  Labour Economics and Inequality 
  Microeconomic Analysis 
  Public Economics 
Dear L Sommaruga, 
I write in reply to your email of 4th June requesting the information detailed above. 
The requested information is attached here. 
Yours sincerely 
Information Compliance Team