Requests similar to 'Ayton park / Redshank Close'

Allotment costs
Response by Sunderland City Council to Farida Vis and Yana Manyukhina on .


Dear Farida Visa and Yana Manyukhina My colleague has provided a breakdown of the amounts charged to tenants at some of our allotment sites. For the re...
Homes for Ukraine
Request sent to Sunderland City Council by Mr Jones on .


1. From the Homes for Ukraine schemes inception in March 2023, please list by month, the number of families and persons housed with a host family in Su...
Request sent to Sunderland City Council by Mr Jones on .


How much money has Sunderland Council spent on purchasing Glyphosate and spent on applying it throughout Sunderland since May 2021? Yours faithfully,...
Please provide a break down of costs relating to the bomb threat on Sunderland city hall in 2022. Yours faithfully, Mr Jones
Charity Funding
Response by Sunderland City Council to Mr Jones on .


Hello,   Please see attached the response to your FOI request.   Kind regards     Customer Enabling Services Smart Cities & Enabling Se...
Albany/Silksworth pit wheels
Response by Sunderland City Council to Mr Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Jones,   I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council does hol...
Christmas tree in city hall
Request sent to Sunderland City Council by Mr Jones on .


Please provide all costs associated with the provisioning, purchasing, lighting, decorations, installation and future storage for the large Christmas t...
I'm writing to you today to find out which councilors and cheif officers live within the sunderland boundaries. Please provide a list structured as...
Genuine and polite FOI request sent to SCC solicitor Elaine Waugh, Liz St Louis and Sunderland Council Freedom of Information solicitors. 1/Kindl...
Hi I refer to your freedom of information request.   Please will you clarify what is meant by point 5?   We have data sharing agreements with...
Council spending for young adults leaving care
Response by Sunderland City Council to Nandini Naira Archer on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Nandini I have been asked to contact you for clarification of one of your points below. For Q3 please can you clarify if you require figures if...
SCC Burial ledger
Request sent to Sunderland City Council by Pearl Clow on .

Awaiting internal review

Elaine Waugh, Liz St. Louis, and SCC.Freedom of Information Solicitors. Freedom of Information request relating to Sunderland Council burial register...
JCG Papers and Minutes
Response by Sunderland City Council to sara on .


Dear Sara,   Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request (our reference 13-02-65), dated 20 February 2013.  I am pleased to provide yo...
Residential parking permit information
Response by Sunderland City Council to Raquel on .


Dear Raquel Pinto,   I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council does...
Dear Kaizen,   I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council does hold...
Social Media Management and Listening
Response by Sunderland City Council to Ellie Jones on .


Dear Ellie Freedom of Information Act 2000 Your Request for Information concerning: Social Media Management and Listening I refer to your Freedom of...
Enforcement fines issued
Response by Sunderland City Council to Mr Jones on .


Dear Mr Jones,   I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council hold thi...
Armorial Bearings
Response by Sunderland City Council to L R Jones on .


Dear L R Jones Freedom of Information Act 2000 Your Request for Information concerning:  Armorial Bearings I refer to your Freedom of Information...
Dear Suzanne Freedom of Information Act 2000 Your Request for Information concerning: Sunderland Studio Development £5.5m grant I refer to your Freed...
Social Listening and Media Monitoring
Response by Sunderland City Council to Ellie Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ellie,   Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information Request, which you submitted to Sunderland City Council. We have now assessed the r...
Dear Tom Jones,   I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council does ho...
Cremated remains graves situated in Bishopwearmouth cemetery, Sunderland.
Internal review request sent to Sunderland City Council by Pearl Clow on .

Awaiting internal review

To Liz St Louis and Sunderland City Council Freedom of Information Solicitors. Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information...
For the attention of Liz St Louis, and Sunderland Council Freedom of Information solicitors. Kindly supply reason why Sunderland Council have comple...
Sunderland Council Freedom of information compliance
Internal review request sent to Sunderland City Council by Pearl Clow on .

Unusual response

For the attention of Sunderland Council Freedom of Information solicitors, also Elaine Waugh and Tony Southwick. Also please pass this on to the per...
Adult social care
Response by Sunderland City Council to jane tinkler on .


Dear Ms Tinkler,   Please find below Sunderland City Council’s response to your Freedom of Information request.   Number of new residential ad...