David Groark
Redshank Close
13 October 2023 11:48:00
Plantation Briefing Note.pdf
Good Morning Cllrs,
Just a quick email to let you know our plantation thinning programme will be starting in
Redshank week commencing the 6th of November.
Our contractor will inspect the site to carry out an inspection on potential bird nesting prior to
starting the works, hopefully we should find that nesting activity has subsided given the time of
year which will allow us to carry out all of the required works, however I must point out that if
we do find nesting birds we must proceed with caution maintaining a min 5m clear zone from
any potential or active nests.
Following completion of the plantation works we will also be planting wildflower bulbs.
I will also be extending this notification to
as the works will be taking place
near to their property in Martin Court.
I have attached a briefing note about plantation thinning works for information.
Kind regards
David Groark
Environmental Services Manager
Environmental Services Directorate
0191 561 4542