Average wait times for Adult Social Work Needs Assessments
Dear Bradford City Council,
I would like you to provide stats on the average wait times for an Adult Social Work needs assessment over the last 3 years. If possible please break it down by month. If the above breaches the maximum aloud to spend (Section 12 of the FOIA) on a request please prioritise the last year.
I expect a response within 20 working Days.
Yours faithfully,
[name removed]
Thank you for submitted your request under the terms of the Freedom Of
Information Act and Environmental Information Regulation 2004. This matter
is now receiving our attention and we aim to have a response out to you
within the period of 20 working days allowed for disclosure.
If you have submitted your request under the Data Protection Act (Subject
Assess Request) we aim to have a response to you within 1 month.
Bradford Council is registered with the Information Commissioners Office
(ICO) under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. If you would
like further information please click on the following link:
Visible links
1. https://www.bradford.gov.uk/open-data/da...
[name removed]
RE Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) / Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)
Thank you for your enquiry which was received on 4th August 2018. This matter is now receiving our attention and we aim to have a response out to you by 31st August 2018, within the period of 20 working days allowed for disclosure.
You will be informed in advance if there is a charge for supplying copies of the information. We will also provide an explanation if any information is not released to you. If the requested information contains references to any third parties, we may need to consult with them before deciding whether or not to release the information.
Should you have any queries regarding your request, please feel free to contact us at [Bradford City Council request email] quoting the reference no: FOI - August 26.
Yours sincerely,
Jody Leach
Programme Support Officer
This e-mail, and any attachments, may contain Protected or Restricted information and is intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain sensitive or protectively marked material and should be handled accordingly. If this e-mail has been misdirected, please notify the author immediately. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained in it or attached, and all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take reasonable steps to try to identify any software viruses, any attachments to this e-mail may nevertheless contain viruses which our anti-virus software has failed to identify. You should therefore carry out your own anti-virus checks before opening any documents. Bradford Council will not accept any liability for damage caused by computer viruses emanating from any attachment or other document supplied with this e-mail. E-Mails may be subject to recording and / or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.
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[name removed]
Reference no: FOI - August 26
I refer to your request dated 4th August 2018 under the Freedom of Information Act, unfortunately we have not been able to collate our response within the allocated 20 working days and need to extend the time limit for responding by 5 working days.
Please accept our apologies for this. I hope to have our response out to you by 7th September 2018, although I will endeavour to do so before this date.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the reference number FOI - August 26.
Yours sincerely
Jody Leach
Programme Support Officer
This e-mail, and any attachments, may contain Protected or Restricted information and is intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain sensitive or protectively marked material and should be handled accordingly. If this e-mail has been misdirected, please notify the author immediately. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained in it or attached, and all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take reasonable steps to try to identify any software viruses, any attachments to this e-mail may nevertheless contain viruses which our anti-virus software has failed to identify. You should therefore carry out your own anti-virus checks before opening any documents. Bradford Council will not accept any liability for damage caused by computer viruses emanating from any attachment or other document supplied with this e-mail. E-Mails may be subject to recording and / or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.
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[name removed]
Reference no: FOI - August 26
I refer to your request dated 4th August 2018 under the Freedom Of Information Act asking to supply the following information:
I would like you to provide stats on the average wait times for an Adult Social Work needs assessment over the last 3 years. If possible please break it down by month. If the above breaches the maximum allowed to spend (Section 12 of the FOIA) on a request please prioritise the last year.
The Council’s response is set out below:
Days from initial contact to Care Act Assessment commencing. There are various reasons for the number of days, the cared for person may have received 6 weeks in-house reablement, they may have been signposted to community resources or the carer may be receiving support to continue caring through respite services or other support.
2017 Jan 108
Feb 109
Mar 94
Apr 100
May 104
Jun 112
Jul 111
Aug 108
Sep 119
Oct 102
Nov 102
Dec 91
2017 Average 105
2018 Jan 121
Feb 87
Mar 108
Apr 124
May 133
Jun 136
Jul 162
2018 Average 122
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, if you are not satisfied with the reply to your request you can ask for a review. A request for a review must be submitted within 40 working days by contacting [Bradford City Council request email] or by writing Information Governance Team, Bradford Metropolitan District, 1st Floor, Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 1HX.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of the internal review you have the right of appeal to the Information Commissioner who can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545700 URL: http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk
Yours sincerely
Jody Leach
Programme Support Officer
This e-mail, and any attachments, may contain Protected or Restricted information and is intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain sensitive or protectively marked material and should be handled accordingly. If this e-mail has been misdirected, please notify the author immediately. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained in it or attached, and all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take reasonable steps to try to identify any software viruses, any attachments to this e-mail may nevertheless contain viruses which our anti-virus software has failed to identify. You should therefore carry out your own anti-virus checks before opening any documents. Bradford Council will not accept any liability for damage caused by computer viruses emanating from any attachment or other document supplied with this e-mail. E-Mails may be subject to recording and / or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.
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Sent: 24 August 2018 11:50
To: '[FOI #506241 email]'
Subject: Request-FOI-Aug26 - Further Time Required
[name removed]
Reference no: FOI - August 26
I refer to your request dated 4th August 2018 under the Freedom of Information Act, unfortunately we have not been able to collate our response within the allocated 20 working days and need to extend the time limit for responding by 5 working days.
Please accept our apologies for this. I hope to have our response out to you by 7th September 2018, although I will endeavour to do so before this date.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the reference number FOI - August 26.
Yours sincerely
Jody Leach
Programme Support Officer
This e-mail, and any attachments, may contain Protected or Restricted information and is intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain sensitive or protectively marked material and should be handled accordingly. If this e-mail has been misdirected, please notify the author immediately. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained in it or attached, and all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take reasonable steps to try to identify any software viruses, any attachments to this e-mail may nevertheless contain viruses which our anti-virus software has failed to identify. You should therefore carry out your own anti-virus checks before opening any documents. Bradford Council will not accept any liability for damage caused by computer viruses emanating from any attachment or other document supplied with this e-mail. E-Mails may be subject to recording and / or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.
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