Requests similar to 'Average wait times for Adult Social Work Needs Assessments'

Database of services
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Tay Jiva on .


Dear Sir / Madam         Please see the attached for Trafford Council’s response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Ac...
  Dear Deep Parikh   I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request dated 6^th December 2020. Please see the Council’s response...
Dear Ms Hayhurst   I refer to your request below. I attach a schedule detailing the information requested. Please let me know if you require any furth...
Home education
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Eloise Reardon on .


Dear Eloise Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 20 April 2015 please find the responses to the questions raised: 1. How many home ed...
Dear Mr Wareing Firstly, I would like to apologise for the error in responding to your Freedom of Information request. I have looked back through our...
Enforcement Agency Services
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to J. Carter on .


Good morning Can you please confirm your full name so this can be formally logged as an FOI. Many thanks Information Governance Legal Services | Tr...
Child in care for 18 months
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Nikki on .

Awaiting classification

Good morning Can you please confirm your full name so this request can be formally logged as a Freedom of Information Request? Many thanks Informati...
Springfield primary catchment
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to AA on .

Awaiting classification

Good Morning If you could reply to this email with the requested information please? Many thanks Information Governance Legal Services | Trafford Co...
Good Afternoon Suhayb, It is my understanding that you are having difficulty in trying to retrieve the documents in response to your FOI request ref...
Good morning In order to provide the required information in your Freedom of Information request would you please confirm the below; 1. What time per...
Dear Nicola Thank you for your email. As you will be aware, disclosure relating to an FOI request relates to recorded information only and is deemed...
Dear S Pattison, Please disregard the last email sent, we may hold some information that you have requested as we are still awaiting a response from...
Dear Mr Le Brocq I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 8186) dated 1st July 2019. Please see the Council's response. 1...
Landlord prosecutions
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Adam Bychawski on .


Thank you for your email.    Your enquiry has been given the reference number 11022.  Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard t...
Thank you for your email.    Your enquiry has been given the reference number 11558.  Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard t...
Thank you for your email.    Your enquiry has been given the reference number 11830.  Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard t...
Stats on 11 plus/ year 6 transfer test
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Vicky Cann on .

Partially successful

Thank you for your email.    Your enquiry has been given the reference number 11083.  Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard t...
Prescribed tranquiliser dependency
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Robert Boyd on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Boyd, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 14077) dated 16th February 2023. Regrettably, the Council does n...
Dear Andrew,   I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 12474) dated 9^th December 2022.   Please find attached th...
Year 6 Destinations
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to See Lim on .


  Dear See,   I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 10499 ) dated 15th  April 2021.   Please find the Council...
School Admissions
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to See Lim on .


  Dear See,   I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 10500 ) dated 16 April 2021.   Please find the Council’s...
Dear Chris, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 14996) dated 30th September 2024. Please accept my apologies for the...
Dear Emily,   I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 12841) dated 31^st March 2023.   Please find attached the C...
AGMA/GM Collaboration framework tender review
Response by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council to Steven Tyler on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Steven,   I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 13433) dated 15 September 2023.   Please find attached the...
Dear Barry, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 15179) dated 11th November 2024. Please find attached the Council’s...