Average wait times for Adult Social Work Needs Assessments
Dear East Devon District Council,
I would like you to provide stats on the average wait times for an Adult Social Work needs assessment over the last 3 years. If possible please break it down by month. If the above breaches the maximum aloud to spend (Section 12 of the FOIA) on a request please prioritise the last year.
I expect a response within 20 working Days.
Yours faithfully,
[name removed]
Thank you for submitting a request for information. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within the 20 working day statutory deadline under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For updates on this case, please quote your unique reference number 101000838683 .
Customer Service Centre
East Devon District Council
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Dear [name removed],
Thank you for your request for information. Please find the response to your query below.
I would like you to provide stats on the average wait times for an Adult Social Work needs assessment over the last 3 years. If possible please break it down by month - The requested information is not held by the District Council.
I hope this information is helpful but, if you feel dissatisfied with the way we have responded to your request, please contact our Monitoring Officer, Mr Henry Gordon Lennox, to request an internal review [email address]
You may also approach the Information Commissioner for advice at www.ico.org.uk
Yours sincerely,
Ms S Harvey
Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
01395 571659
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