Average Speed Cameras M73, M74, M8

The request was partially successful.

Dear Police Scotland,

Could you please advise, since the introduction of average speed cameras as part of the upgrade works on the M73, M74, M8; how many fixed penalty notices have been issued as a result of the cameras?

Where the information is held, can you please also break down the total to the following brackets of speed at the time of offence:

*39MPH or less

If held, please also break down by the following types of vehicles:

*Emergency service vehicles (please include even if overturned due to genuine reason, i.e. emergency call. Where possible advise how many of the total were overturned)

For the same time period that the cameras have been in use, can you also please advise how many fixed penalty notices have been issued by police officers via a roadside stop? This would be on the same sections of road as the average speed cameras.

Yours faithfully,

Mr C Henderson


Good afternoon

Can you please confirm your full name in order for us to log this request.

Thank you

FOI Team

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Dear FOI,

This is not required. Please see the following extract from "Recognising a request made under the Freedom of Information Act (Section 8)", point 25 under "The definition of a ‘real name’", obtained from the ICO.

"Any variation of the requester’s title or first name combined with their surname (e.g. Mr Smith or John Smith) will be sufficient to meet this requirement. However, a first name or surname provided in isolation, or a set of initials, will not.

A requester named Robert Jones could call themselves ‘Rob Jones’, ‘Bobby Jones’, ‘R Jones’, ‘Bob Jones’ or ‘Mr Jones’. However, they could not just use ‘Robert’, ‘Bob’, ‘Bobby’ or ‘R.J’."

As such, Mr C Henderson is sufficient for this FOI request.

Yours sincerely,

C Henderson

FOI Glasgow, Police Scotland

1 Attachment


Good Morning

Please find attached Police Scotland's response to your recent request for

If you have any queries please contact the case officer on the telephone
number provided in the attached document.

Kind Regards

Information Management
2 French Street
G40 4EH
Tel: 01786 895862






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Dear FOI Glasgow,

Thank you for the information, for the breakdown statistics, could you please provide the stats for 90-99MPH and 100+MPH which should be sufficient for my report.

Given the speed limit is 50MPH, this should in no way jeopardize the effectiveness of the speed cameras.

Yours sincerely,

C Henderson

Dear FOI Glasgow,

Could you please provide an update on this request?

Yours sincerely,

C Henderson

FOI Glasgow, Police Scotland

1 Attachment


Good Afternoon

Please find attached the Service response to your request

Kind Regards

Information Management
Police Scotland, Clyde Gateway
2 French Street
G40 4EH
01786 895864

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