Average Covid19 death age

Department of Health (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Adrian McErlean

Dear Department of Health (Northern Ireland),

What information have you got on the average age of people dying from covid19 in 2020

What information have you got on the average age of people dying drom covid19 since the vaccine rollout started in 2021

What information have you got on the people dying from covid19 after they've had the covid19 vacation

Yours faithfully,

Adrian McErlean

Burns, Jeff, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)


You have had a recent response sent to you that covers a similar period to your request below. Could I ask you to let me know what further information you need from this request?

I should tell you that the Department of Health do not hold numbers of people dying after they have had the vaccine and that the vaccine roll out started on 8 December 2020.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Jeff Burns
Information Management Branch
Department of Health (NI)

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