Average age on death of a British Gulf War Veteran

The request was successful.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Q1 What is the average age of a British Gulf War veterans life span?


gavin roberts

Def Strat-Stat-PQ-FOI-Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

Dear Mr. Roberts,

Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Defence.

Your request for recorded information is currently being considered under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 with reference FOI2019/06487.

You are entitled to receive a written response no later than 02 July 2019.

Kind regards,

Defence Statistics

show quoted sections

Def Strat-Stat-Health-PQ-FOI (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,


Please find attached a response to the FOI you requested on 4 June 2019
about average age of a British Gulf War veterans life span.


Kind regards,


Defence Statistics Health


Dear Def Strat-Stat-Health-PQ-FOI (MULTIUSER),

Thankyou for the information


gavin roberts