Autism spectrum services and supports

The request was partially successful.

Dear Shetland Islands Council,

I would like to request information in relation to adults with an autism spectrum disorder.

Can I ask for a breakdown of all the supports and/or support services available for adults with an autism spectrum disorder with and without a learning disability within the geographical area of your local authority? For example, day services, social support services, drop-in services, access to services, diagnostic and post-diagnostic services etc.

Yours faithfully,

Frances Holborn
Autism Support Day Service Officer
Autism Connections Team

Shetland Islands Council

Ms Holborn

We acknowledge receipt of your request for information.

This is receiving attention, and we will provide you with a response as soon as possible.

Regards, Louise

Louise Adamson
Committee Officer
Governance and Law
Shetland Islands Council
Montfield Offices
Burgh Road
Shetland ZE1 0LA

Tel: 01595 744555

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Shetland Islands Council

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Our values: excellent service, taking personal responsibility, working
well together

Shetland Islands Council

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,


Please note, as requested, Shetland Islands Council's response to your FoI
request. The information you requested is all held in the public domain.
Please note the following links hold the information requested;







If you are dissatisfied with the way in which the Council has dealt with
your request for information on this occasion, then you may ask the
authority to review its actions and decisions in relation to your request,
by submitting a formal appeal to the Executive Manager - Governance and
Law.  A leaflet explaining this process is attached.


Kind regards




Victoria Marshall

FOI Officer

Community Health & Social Care



Visible links