Requests similar to 'Autism diagnosis waiting times' (page 20)

Dear Mr Rawlinson,   Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 15^th September 2021, regarding documents and information re...
Employer names and Volumes
Response by Disclosure and Barring Service to Jack Lander on .


Good afternoon Thank you for contacting the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Freedom of Information (FOI) team. I can confirm your request has be...
Thank you for your recent request for information. I am pleased to advise that the Council has completed its search for the information you asked fo...
Dear Requester,   I can confirm that the Trust does hold some of the information you have requested. Thank you for your request for information,...
Our Ref: 4588 Date: 7 August 2018 Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation...
DFENPR099440 File
Response by Department for Education to JJ Evans on .


Dear Jj Evans    Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 17 January  2020. You requested:   Pages 1 - 45 within the...
Dear Mr Gillies Thank you for your request dated 21 November 2011 under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) for a list of all recip...
Dear Fiona McGeough Thank you for your request for information. Please find information provided by the relevant service area(s) set out below / atta...
Dear Sir/Madam   Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref No: 23-541   Response to request dated 28/09/2023 made under the Freedom of Information...
<<63228-LETR.doc>> Dear Dr Reddington Please see attached FOI response. Regards Liz Mason Freedom...
Dear Mr Goldacre and Mr Croker, Thank you for your email dated 7th November 2017, regarding change in GP prescribing behaviour in urinary tract infect...
Dear Fiona McGeough Checking our records we have received two requests from you. These are as follows - Our ref. F0001124 - Received 5 June and close...
ESA Home Assesments
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Ms K Sutton on .


Dear Ms Sutton,   Please see our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Yours sincerely   DWP Health Services Correspondence T...
Dear Gearoid Many thanks for your Freedom of Information request. Please find attached our response. I hope this information is helpful. Best wishes...
Dear Mr Evans Thanks for your Freedom of information request dated 23 October 2018. Having reviewed the questions and the information requested, we a...
Southwark Council - Information request Our reference: 515916 Liliana Dmitrovic Via Email [FOI #263934 email] Finance & Corporate Services Direct L...
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Anthony Collins on .


    Mr Collins   Please see copy of your FoI request attached   DWP Operations FOI Team     Calculating the award Components of ESA(C) 1. An...
please raed the following Technological Simulation of Hallucination John J. McMurtrey, M. S. a and Edward A. Moore, M. D. b Copyright 2005, 6 Jan....
Response by Salford Primary Care Trust (PCT) to gary tumulty on .

Partially successful

To Gary Tumulty Your request under the Freedom of Information Act, FOIR1031 has now been processed, attached is the response report and any associ...
Our reference: FOI 3527 2023/24   Dear Ryan Jarvis,   Thank you for your request for information. The Trust's response is provided in the atta...
Dear Mr Cain,   Apologies for the delay in responding to your request for information.   We have completed the compilation of information in re...
Optimal general anaesthesis
Response by Royal College of Anaesthetists to name removed 23 Oct 2012 on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms [last name removed] Thank you for your enquiry. The questions you ask are very complex, and there are, at present, few clearcut answers. The s...
Response by Department of Health (Northern Ireland) to Aidan on .


Aidan Please see attached response to your FOI request below. The information you requested is contained in the attached file and also in 2 further fi...
Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. On behalf of University Hospitals Bristol, I at...
This took one minute to cut and past...possibly I'm breaching some copyright law but it's illuminating isn't it?I also changed its title to 'Voice of...