Austin Kelly - Was there Local Police Intelligence
Dear Merseyside Police,
With regard to the case of Austin Kelly, convicted earlier in 2012 for abuse of children - reported in The Independent on 17th April [
1. Am I correct in assuming he had no previous convictions for this type of offence?
2. Was he barred from working with children by statute or court order?
3. Did Merseyside Police have any Local Police Intelligence that related to suggestions of such offence? If so, over what period?
4. Were the 9 children mentioned the only ones where abuse was suspected in this case?
5. Did he ask for other offences to be taken into account?
6. Were charges not proceeded with and if so for what reason(s)?
7. Did your Force ever provide any information about him to CRB in addition to any that might have been held on the National Computer?
8. Do you know whether the adults who were abused as children have been offered counselling?
Yours faithfully,
Jan Cosgrove
Dear applicant
Reference No : DM240/12
Thank you for your application for information concerning the Austin Kelly case. This will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act, subject
to the information not being exempt nor containing a reference to a third party. In the event that we are not able to achieve this deadline you
will be informed at the earliest opportunity and given a revised time-scale.
There may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation and provision of the information you have requested. If this is the case you will be
informed and the 20 working day timescale will be suspended until we receive payment from you.
Some requests may also require either full or partial transfer to another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest possible
way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D May
Disclosure Analyst
Information Bureau
Merseyside Police
PO Box 59, Liverpool. L69 1JD
Fax: 0151 777 7099
Email : [Merseyside Police request email]
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Dear Ms Cosgrove
Response Letter - FOI Application DM240/12 (please quote in all
I write in connection with your request for information, which was received
by Merseyside Police on 12/11/2012, concerning:
With regard to the case of Austin Kelly, convicted earlier in 2012 for
abuse of children - reported in The Independent on 17th April
1. Am I correct in assuming he had no previous convictions for this
type of offence?
2. Was he barred from working with children by statute or court order?
3. Did Merseyside Police have any Local Police Intelligence that
related to suggestions of such offence? If so, over what period?
4. Were the 9 children mentioned the only ones where abuse was
suspected in this case?
5. Did he ask for other offences to be taken into account?
6. Were charges not proceeded with and if so for what reason(s)?
7. Did your Force ever provide any information about him to CRB in
addition to any that might have been held on the National Computer?
8. Do you know whether the adults who were abused as children have
been offered counselling?
I can confirm that Merseyside Police holds the information relating to your
request. Your request has been considered and I have today decided to:
i) Exempt the information relating to parts 1-7 of your request under
Sections 30(1)(a)(b)(c) and 40(2) of the Freedom Of Information Act; and
ii) Disclose the information relating to part 8 of your request
Section 17, Freedom of Information Act, 2000, requires Merseyside Police,
when refusing to provide such information (because the information is
exempt) to provide you the applicant with a notice which:
(a) states that fact,
(b) specifies the exemption(s) in question and
(c) states (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption
Reason for Decision:
Section 30 states that information held for the purposes of investigations
is exempt from disclosure.
Section 40 states that personal information is exempt from disclosure.
The information requested constitutes information held for the purposes of
a criminal investigation and the personal information of Austin Kelly.
This communication therefore serves as a Refusal Notice under the FOI Act.
Please find attached my full Response Table and also my Public Interest
Test, which provides further details as to why the specified exemptions
apply in this case.
(See attached file: DM240-12 Response Table.doc) (See attached
file: DM240-12 PIT.doc)
Complaint Rights
Your attention is drawn to the information following this response, which
details your rights of review and of complaint.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write
to or e-mail me at the below address, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Mr D May
Disclosure Analyst
Information Access Unit
Information Bureau
Merseyside Police
Tel: 0151 777 7021
Fax: 0151 777 7099
E-mail: [Merseyside Police request email]
Making a complaint or appeal about your Freedom of Information response
We accept that sometimes you may not agree with the decision we’ve made
about your Freedom of Information request. If this is the case there is an
internal complaints procedure that should be followed.
You should make your complaint in writing to:
Information Access Unit
Information Bureau
Merseyside Police
L69 1JD
It should detail:
What the original request was
The nature of the complaint
Why you feel you should have received more information
Your complaint will be fully investigated and will be dealt with by a staff
member who was not involved in the original decision. We will write to you
to advise the outcome of your complaint.
If you are dissatisfied with the results of your complaint you have the
right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. He can be contacted at:
The Office of the Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
More information is available from the Information Commissioner's website
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If you have received this email in error please notify the sender as soon
as possible.
This footnote confirms that all reasonable steps have been taken to
ensure that this email message has been swept for the presence of
computer viruses.
The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the
views of Merseyside Police.
All communications, including telephone calls and electronic messages to
and from Merseyside Police may be subject to monitoring and recording.
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