Audit & Scrutiny Committee Independence

Research for Action made this Freedom of Information request to Islington Borough Council as part of a batch sent to 20 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Research for Action

Dear Islington Borough Council,

This is a request for all the information I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act. If this request is too wide or unclear, please contact me in the first instance as under section 16 of the Act, public authorities are required to advise and assist requesters. If the requested information cannot be provided within the time and cost limit for all the years specified, please narrow this down to fewer years.

The independence of scrutiny committees and audit committees has been identified in a number of Public Interest Reports as being an important factor in facilitating meaningful scrutiny and challenge within local authorities.

As audit committees are not formally treated as part of scrutiny it may be that they are treated differently in the council’s constitution and policies. Please clarify which committee type your response relates to.

a) Policy on Selection & Appointment of Committee Chairs

Please provide the council’s current policy on selection and appointment of scrutiny committee chairs and audit committee chairs.

b) Current Political Configuration of Committee Chairs
Please provide a figure showing what percentage of current scrutiny and audit committee chairs are members of an opposition party to the main controlling party or controlling coalition.

I understand I should receive a response within 20 working days.

Yours faithfully,
Don Mort
On behalf of Research for Action

Islington Council, Islington Borough Council

Information request
Our reference: 3591827
Your reference: [FOI #1031422 email] 


Dear for Action
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request, received on 26
September 2023. Your request has been processed, and your unique reference
number is FOI 3591827. Please make note of this reference number should
you need to contact us about your request.
Our team will send your request to the appropriate service area within
Islington Council, and an officer from that team will respond directly to
your request.
Yours faithfully
Information Governance Team
Islington Council
3rd Floor, 7 Newington Barrow Way
N7 7EP 
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Islington Council, Islington Borough Council

1 Attachment

Information request
Our reference: 3591827
Your reference: [FOI #1031422 email] 


Dear for Action
Thank you for your request for information received on 26 September 2023.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours faithfully
Islington Council
3rd Floor, 7 Newington Barrow Way
N7 7EP 
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