Attendance Orders served on Home Educated Children

The request was successful.

Educational Freedom

Dear Local Authority

Please provide the details for:

How many Attendance Orders have been served on Home Educated children since 1/9/22?

How many of those Attendance Orders were revoked?

How many resulted in prosecution?

Please ignore this request if you provided the information in our previous SAO enquiry.

Yours faithfully,
Cheryl Moy
Educational Freedom

FOI, Perth and Kinross Council

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of your request. The legislation indicates that you should receive a
response within 20 working days counting from the day after it was


If we require clarification of your request, if it is in relation to
another matter, or if you have contacted us about a request you submitted
previously, we will contact you as soon as possible.


Information Governance Team

Perth and Kinross Council



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FOI, Perth and Kinross Council

Dear Cheryl


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Request for Information – Attendance Orders


I refer to your request for information dated 4 April 2023


The information you requested was:-


Please provide the details for:


 1. How many Attendance Orders have been served on Home Educated children
since 1/9/22?


 2. How many of those Attendance Orders were revoked?


 3. How many resulted in prosecution?




Relative to the above, I am advised of the following:


We can advise that in Scottish legislation there is no provision for local
authorities to issue School Attendance Orders in relation to Home
Education, this is a term used in England under English legislation.
Please see the following link to Home Education guidance on the Scottish
Government website for further information: [1]2. Legislative position -
Home education guidance - (


Therefore the response to all questions would be ‘0’ for the timeframe
requested as we do not hold this information, in terms of section 17(1)(b)
of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, this is formal notice
that this information is not recorded by Perth and Kinross Council.


You have a right to request a review of the Council’s decision. Click
[2]here to view a copy of our information leaflet which explains how to do
this. If you remain dissatisfied after the Council has carried out its
review, you can appeal [3]online to the Scottish Information Commissioner


Should you require any further explanation or assistance please do not
hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely


Information Officer

Information Compliance Team

Legal & Governance Services

Corporate and Democratic Services

2 High Street








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General enquiries to Perth & Kinross Council should be made to
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Visible links

Educational Freedom

Dear Perth and Kinross Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Perth and Kinross Council's handling of my FOI request 'Attendance Orders served on Home Educated Children'.

Please re read my FOI, I am asking about attendance orders served on children who were known to be home educated prior to concerns becoming known about the provision.

Our previous FOI mistakenly named them as school attendance orders, however we rectified the terminology in this FOI.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Educational Freedom

FOI, Perth and Kinross Council

Thank you for your email.


If your email contained a request for information under the terms of the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, or the Environmental
Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004, this email is an acknowledgement
of your request. The legislation indicates that you should receive a
response within 20 working days counting from the day after it was


If we require clarification of your request, if it is in relation to
another matter, or if you have contacted us about a request you submitted
previously, we will contact you as soon as possible.


Information Governance Team

Perth and Kinross Council



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cannot be held responsible for the integrity of the information contained
in it.

General enquiries to Perth & Kinross Council should be made to
[email address] or 01738 475000.

FOI Review, Perth and Kinross Council

Dear Cheryl


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email dated 25 April 2023, in
which you requested a review of the Council’s response to your recent FOI
request (our ref: ATI 2023 04 05 002).


The information you requested was –


How many Attendance Orders have been served on Home Educated children
since 1/9/22?


How many of those Attendance Orders were revoked?


How many resulted in prosecution?

You have requested a review of the Council’s response on the grounds that
you believe the response you received was inaccurate.  You state that the
request relates to attendance orders served on children who were known to
be home educated prior to concerns becoming known about the provision. 
Your request does not relate to school attendance orders, which the
response you received refers to.

Your request for review will be processed on behalf of Alan Taylor, the
Head of Corporate IT and Revenues, who is the Council’s FOI and EIRs
Review Officer.  Mr Taylor will issue the Council’s final decision by the
statutory deadline of 25 May 2023.



Yours sincerely



Information Governance Officer

Perth & Kinross Council


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General enquiries to Perth & Kinross Council should be made to
[email address] or 01738 475000.

FOI Review, Perth and Kinross Council

1 Attachment

Dear Cheryl


Please find attached the response to your recent request for a review.


Yours sincerely


Information Governance Officer

Perth & Kinross Council


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