Attendance at and exclusion from misconduct hearings
Dear Hertfordshire Constabulary,
Your website states the following:
'Any member of the public or press can make a request to attend a misconduct hearing, provided they’re 18 or over.'
For each of the last 5 public misconduct hearings chaired by someone legally qualified provide:
1. The date of each hearing;
2. The maximum capacity of each venue (public and press);
3. The number of (i) public and (ii) press who attended each day; and
4. The number of people excluded from attending each day (eg venue capacity exceeded).
For the most recent of the 5 public misconduct hearings only:
5. Please provide details of all costs associated with it.
Yours faithfully,
J Roberts
Our ref: FOI2024/01663
Dear J Roberts,
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 27th
February. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.
The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore reply at the latest by 26th
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Donoghue
Good Afternoon,
I am writing in response to your request for information to Bedfordshire
Police, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Constabularies received 4^th March
Please find attached a response from all 3 Forces.
Yours Sincerely,
BCH Freedom of Information Team
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A Guardian journalist sat in on some police misconduct hearings and got the views of two experts.
Brendan Brookshaw, a former chief inspector of Devon and Cornwall police, said: "The cases that make it to misconduct hearings are the tip of the iceberg".
And Professor Layla Skinns, a criminologist at Sheffield University, said: “Misconduct hearings focus on individual officers, the rotten apples – not the rotten barrels or rotten orchards.”
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Hertfordshire Constabulary is currently inviting members of the public to attend the misconduct hearing for PC 1212 Bailey Webb:
'Conduct matter
This conduct matter relates to the officer’s conduct towards colleagues on a night out, where it is alleged he inappropriately touched a female colleague and used inappropriate language towards others.
The hearing will focus on whether he breached the Standards of Professional Behaviours for – Authority, Respect and Courtesy; Discreditable Conduct; and Equality and Diversity.'
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Members of the public are invited to attend the misconduct hearing for Luke Gilmour which starts on Monday, 09 September 2024 at 10am:
The circumstances are that it is alleged that the officer has assaulted a female police officer whilst off duty in April 2023.
The Appropriate Authority will contend that the officer has breached the following Standards of Professional Behaviour: Authority Respect and Courtesy and Discreditable Conduct.
Anyone wishing to attend should email before 9am on Friday 06 September 2024 to register, on a first come first serve basis.
There is an option for online attendance, but it is still necessary to register.
The taking of photographs and the use of film or sound recording equipment during the hearing is prohibited, except for official use.'
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Members of the public are invited to attend the misconduct hearing for PC 2936 Cory Katternhorn which starts on 16 September 2024:
'It is alleged that the officer has used excessive force whilst arresting an offender, he is heard to make offensive, inappropriate and discriminatory comments. It is alleged that the officer has failed to be honest and act with integrity.'
Online attendance is available.
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PS 2816 Peter Glover
Members of the public are invited to attend the misconduct hearing for PS 2816 Peter Glover from Thursday 7 November to Wednesday 13 November 2024:
'The conduct that is the subject matter of the case.
The officer was at the relevant time a Custody Sgt at Hatfield Police Station.
During the early hours of 12 February 2023 a member of the public, H, was in detention and it is alleged that:
1. The officer engaged in a disproportionate and inappropriate level of force when dealing with ‘H’ whilst under detention and whilst he was not offering significant resistance.
2. The officer behaved in a manner that was insensitive, rude and unkind.
3. The officer failed to act in accordance with Orders and Instructions, which included failing to follow the process laid down by the College of Policing for dealing with conflict etc.'
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Former PC 146 George Ravenscroft
Today (27/11/24), members of the public are invited to attend the misconduct hearing for the above officer on Monday 2 December, Tuesday 3 December and Friday 6 December 2024:
'The circumstances are that in October 2022, the officer made sexist and inappropriate comments to female Police Officers whilst on duty.
The Appropriate Authority will contend that the officer breached the following Standards of Professional Behaviour: Authority Respect and Courtesy, Equality and Diversity and Discreditable Conduct.
No person who has registered by email with the Professional Standards Department in advance by 4pm on Friday 29 November 2024 should be excluded from the whole or part of the hearing (subject to any conditions to be imposed). Anyone wishing to attend should email public hearings.'
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Former Police Sergeant 577 Paul Pickett
Members of the public are invited to attend the misconduct hearing for the officer from 30 to 31 January 2025:
'It is alleged that Former PS 577 Paul Pickett has engaged in an emotional and sexual relationship with an officer for whom he was line managing, welfare officer and federation representative, when he knew her to be vulnerable.
His relationship with the officer caused other members of his team embarrassment and discomfort, in that he asked officers to assist in his deception when his partner wanted to know where he was.'
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PC 761 Clive Warncken
Today (17/2/25), members of the public were invited to attend the misconduct hearing for the above officer on 21/2/25:
'It is alleged that 28 February 2024 whilst off-duty and in plain clothes PC Warncken abused his authority and powers in that he stopped a motor vehicle being driven by a member of the public when he had no lawful authority to do so.
On 28 February 2024 whilst off-duty failed to act with self-control and tolerance in that he
1. Displayed his warrant card without there being a lawful policing purpose
2. Pulled open the driver’s door of the vehicle he had caused to stop
3. Attempted to aggressively grab the keys
4. Grabbed the wrists of the female driver within the vehicle causing injury
Officers investigated for misusing warrant cards:
The Telegraph 30/1/25:
'The number of complaints lodged against police officers rose by 13 per cent last year following the screening of a documentary described as “the real life Line of Duty”,* it has emerged.'
* To Catch A Copper
Police misconduct, England and Wales: year ending 31 March 2024
Published 30 January 2025
Table MP1: Individuals referred to misconduct proceedings [Note 1] [Note 2] [Note 3] [Note 4], by proceeding type [Note 5] and worker type, English regions and Wales, cases finalised [Note 6] in the year ending 31 March 2024 [Note 7]
Hertfordshire Constabulary
Police Officer - Meeting (4) Hearing (11) Accelerated Hearing (6)
Police Staff - Meeting (3) Hearing (6)
An increase in the number of hearings and accelerated hearings also coincides with an increase in police officer dismissals. Including officers receiving an outcome of ‘would have been dismissed’, dismissals have increased by 60% compared with cases finalised in the year ending 31 March 2023. Representing dismissals as a proportion of the overall number of officers in post at the start of the financial year, an equivalent of 0.4% of officers were dismissed, similar to the 0.3% seen in the year ending 31 March 2023.'
The Telegraph 1/2/25:
'Sexual misconduct allegations against police officers rose by more than two-thirds last year, Government data show.'
The Express 9/2/25
'Metropolitan Police officers nicknamed a colleague "the rapist" and celebrated when women dropped their complaints against members of the force, a whistleblower has claimed. In a new ITV documentary, the whistleblower, who has since left the force, also alleges that a colleague joked to her about the kidnap, rape and murder of Sarah Everard.'
ITV - Women & The Police: The Inside Story
The Standard 12/2/25:
"Met Police ‘predators’ could return as force loses vetting case brought by ‘rapist’ officer"
The i 7/11/24
'Hundreds of police officers sacked and barred from the profession are keeping their identities hidden despite calls for greater transparency, i has discovered.'
269 Gem:
A woman's complaint of an alleged assault by a police sergeant. It concerns another force, but some people may be interested in it. It includes an audio recording of her initial call to the police to report the matter:
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Upcoming misconduct hearings and outcomes:
Vetting procedures:
Watch a misconduct hearing:
This episode of Channel 4's 'To Catch A Copper' series shows the misconduct hearing for an Avon and Somerset Police officer. The officer didn't attend the hearing, but the case against him was set out. The Chief Constable presided over the hearing and the officer's representative spoke on his behalf.
The episode contains very strong language and interviews with two women some viewers may find distressing. It is titled:
' I Was Assaulted By A Police Officer At Work'