ATM Thefts in 2013
Dear Post Office Limited,
Thank you for your reply to my previous FOI request on this matter. Seems to me our Wincor Millionaire was quite a prolific thief if it required a spreadsheet to calculate how many post office ATM machines and total amount he robbed.
a) Could you please tell me how many POL Post Office / BoI ATMs he stole from - I now know of at least 2
b) The total amount he is known to have stolen
In 2013 I owned a building in Duns in which there was a Post Office which my wife was Subpostmistress of and I her assistant. In that building, 6 Market Sq, Duns there was installed a BoI/POL ATM which as building owner I was partly responsible for. I must have missed some communication from POL at that time with regard to a warning that a dodgy Wincor Engineer was operating in the area which I am sure you would have provided to all Post Offices as soon as you knew about the thefts.
Could you please provide me with a copy of that warning you must have sent to all Post Offices in the area at that time.
c) this is not an FOI request, just a piece of advice with regard to previous, current and future FOI requests - the truth is out there and it will come out eventually. Those who try and hide or otherwise obfuscate the evidence will eventually be found out.
Yours faithfully,
Tim McCormack
Our ref: FOI2023/00450
Dear Tim McCormack,
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 30th
July. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore reply at the latest by 29th
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street,
Dear [email address],
You don't seem to have replied to this one today
Yours sincerely,
Tim McCormack
Dear Mr McCormack,
Thank you for your email and we are sorry that, although we had hoped to respond by yesterday, we are still working on your request. We aim to complete the request as soon as possible but if there is any significant delay, we will contact you with an updated timescale for response.
Kind regards
Information Rights
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER
Dear information.rights,
I would suggest we are in 'significant delay' time period now.
Yours sincerely,
Tim McCormack
Dear Tim McCormack,
With apologies for the delay in responding to you, please find attached
our response relating to your Freedom of Information request.
Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street,
Dear Post Office Limited,
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately this does not match the information I have at my disposal.
I understand you merely relate to me the answers provided by others within your organisation so you might want to inform them that I will inform the inquiry of the response I have received and they may wish to investigate this further using their statutory powers.
Yours faithfully,
Tim McCormack
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