"Assurances and reassurances re Grenfell Tower"
Dear Children’s Commissioner for England,
I write in reference to your Newsletter number 21 dated 10 July 2017 which I have copied below for ease of reference.
"Concerns about support for children of Grenfell Tower
The tragic fire in the Grenfell Tower has shaken everyone over the last few weeks. The Commissioner received reassurances from the local authority about the safeguarding of children made homeless by the fire who are in temporary accommodation; the continuity of their schooling; and the provision of counselling support.
She also asked the Department for Education to provide assurances about schools across the country, should there be school buildings clad in combustible panels similar to those used on Grenfell Tower".
Please can I request copies of all emails, letters, faxes, documents, notes of meetings and telephone calls which the Children's Commissioner or any of her staff or volunteers, have sent or received related to the Grenfell disaster, either between the Commissioner and the Royal Borough of Kensington Chelsea or any other person or agency relating to the Grenfell Disaster (i.e. the Cabinet Office, DCLS or other centre or local government department, NGOs, government ministers, the Red Cross, the Grenfell taskforce and any individuals etc.
1) I am requesting all correspondence/document as outlined but I am specifically require copies of the 'reassurances received from the local authority about the safeguarding of children made homeless by the fire ho are in temporary accommodation; the continuity of their schooling; and the provision of counselling support'.
2) please also provide full documentation as specified above in relation to the request that "Department for Education to provide assurances about schools across the country, should there be school buildings clad in combustible panels similar to those used on Grenfell Tower". It is implied in the newsletter that 'assurances' had not been received. Please provide documentation as to any follow up.
3) Please provide full documentation (incoming and outgoing as specified above) as to any further correspondence from to or the Commissioner since the publication of the newsletter.
I trust this situation is such a priority for the Children's Commissioner that a swift response to this request will be possible.
.Yours faithfully,
Polly Burns
Thank you for contacting the Children's Commissioner for England. This is
an automatic acknowledgement to let you know we received your query and
will respond as soon as possible.
If you are contacting us with an urgent concern:
We have an advice team called Help at Hand for children and young people
who are in care, leaving care, living away from home or working with
children's services.
The Help at Hand Team can be reached by free phone on 0800 528 0731 or at
[1][email address] and is staffed from 9am to
5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays).
If you have an urgent concern about a child protection issue, you should
contact your local police or social services.
Children can also call Childline on 0800 1111 and adults can call the
NSPCC child protection helpline on 0808 800 5000.
Best wishes,
Children's Commissioner
Sanctuary Buildings,
Great Smith Street,
London SW1P 3BT
Web: [2]www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk
Twitter: @ChildrensComm
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://outlook.office.com/owa/[email address]/www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk
Dear Polly,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information
We will return to you shortly with the information you have requested.
With best wishes,
Lyn Foster
Business Support Adviser
Children's Commissioner's Office
[1]Childrens Commissioner
Advice Line: 0800 528 0731
Direct line: 0207 783 8203
Telephone: 0207 783 8330
Email: [2][email address]
Post: Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT
Online: [3]www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk
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Dear Polly
Thank you for your email which we received on the 7 October in which you
sought information regarding the Children’s Commissioner’s correspondence,
including emails, letters, faxes, documents, notes of meetings and
telephone call related to the Grenfell disaster and the Children’s
Commissioner’s response to the disaster.
I have attached a timeline detailing all the actions undertaken by the
Commissioner and her staff, and attached the records we hold. All our
correspondence is numbered and linked to the timeline. Please note that we
have redacted any details which could identify children or their families.
The Commissioner will be meeting with the Secretary of the Grenfell Tower
Public Inquiry and the Queen’s Counsel (QS) for the Inquiry to discuss how
the Inquiry will interact with children who have been impacted by the
disaster and is committed to ensuring that their safety and wellbeing
continues to be a priority.
With best wishes,
Lyn Foster
Business Support Adviser
Children's Commissioner's Office
[1]Childrens Commissioner
Advice Line: 0800 528 0731
Direct line: 0207 783 8203
Telephone: 0207 783 8330
Email: [2][email address]
Post: Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT
Online: [3]www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk
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From: FOSTER, Lyn - Children's Commissioner
Sent: 18 October 2017 12:12
To: '[FOI #436805 email]'
<[9][FOI #436805 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - "Assurances and reassurances
re Grenfell Tower"
Dear Polly,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information
We will return to you shortly with the information you have requested.
With best wishes,
Lyn Foster
Business Support Adviser
Children's Commissioner's Office
[10]Childrens Commissioner
Advice Line: 0800 528 0731
Direct line: 0207 783 8203
Telephone: 0207 783 8330
Email: [11][email address]
Post: Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT
Online: [12]www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk
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