Requests similar to 'Ashington SEN School'

FOI and EIR Our reference: 1654607 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Dear Ms James   Thank you for your...
Winding up of Owen Pugh
Response by Northumberland County Council to S Black on .


Our Ref: 3218    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation to Owen Pugh. Rig...
FOI and EIR Our reference: 2190177 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Dear Mr Yon,   Thank you for your...
Our Ref: 11842      Dear Ms Jewell,      FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST      I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation to...
FOI and EIR Our reference: 1884493 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Dear A Greenwood,   Thank you for...
Our Ref: 11155    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation to Ovingham Bridg...
Response by Northumberland County Council to Bill Madderson on .


Our Ref: 4537   Dear Enquirer, INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your request for information which will be dealt with under the terms of the Fr...
New Start Fee
Response by Northumberland County Council to A Williams on .


Regards Linda Bickerton Senior Admin Officer Office Services/Free School Meals (Wed,Thur, Frid) Children's Services Group Business Support Servi...
Event funding
Response by Northumberland County Council to Mavis Skillerton on .


Our Ref: 3226    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 16.10.2017 concerning...
Core Strategy
Response by Northumberland County Council to Mavis Skillerton on .


Our Ref: 3230    Dear Enquirer, INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 16 October 2017 concerning withdrawal...
School taxi and minibus transport tenders
Response by Northumberland County Council to Stephen mcelvogue on .

Awaiting classification

Our Ref: 4947    Dear Enquirer, ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION REQUEST I refer to your request for Information in relation to school taxi and minibus...
Grants to charities and CICs by the council
Response by Northumberland County Council to Meg Crosby on .

Partially successful

Our Ref: 5045    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 25 October 2018.  This...
Our Ref: 5131    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 9th November 2018 conc...
Our Ref: 6277    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation to the Demolition...
Local Plans
Response by Northumberland County Council to S Black on .

Partially successful

Our Ref: 3490    Dear Enquirer, INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on Monday 18 December concerning Neighbo...
Crossland Consulting
Response by Northumberland County Council to Bill Madderson on .


Our Ref: 5746    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 8th April 2019 concern...
Advice and Correspondence on Core Strategy Withdrawal
Response by Northumberland County Council to S Black on .

Partially successful

Our Ref: 3489    Dear Enquirer, INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on Monday 18 December concerning the Cor...
Arch reports
Response by Northumberland County Council to Bill Madderson on .


Our Ref: 3966    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on Tuesday 3rd April conc...
Recruitment procedure for specific contractor.
Response by Northumberland County Council to Ian Hudspeth on .

Awaiting classification

Our Ref: 5781    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 18/03/2019 concerning...
Staff leaving the authority
Response by Northumberland County Council to Mavis Skillerton on .


Our Ref: 3225    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 16 October 2017 concer...
Our Ref: 4480    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 9th July 2018 concerni...
Our Ref: 4338    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 11.06.2018 concerning...
Our Ref: 3466    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 8 December 2017 concer...
Paper costs and carbon footprint reduction targets
Response by Northumberland County Council to A R Shaw on .

Awaiting classification

Our Ref: 3600    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Thank you for your request for information received on 19.01.2018 concerning...
EHC needs assessment related templates
Response by Northumberland County Council to A McColl on .


Dear Requester In reply to your query regarding the templates used, please find attached a letter which was introduced this month (September 2018), t...