Ashgrove Care Home 55 Belfast Road, Newry BT34 1QA

The request was successful.

Dear Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

Would you please provide:

1) Number of Safeguarding concerns received from or in connection with the above named home from all sources (the home itself, family, hospital, etc)

2) Number of Investigations conducted in response to safeguarding alerts, complaints, allegations of abuse, etc.

3) Outcome of the investigations conducted. (e.g. substantiated, not substantiated, partially substantiated, etc.)

4) Number of Deaths (for any reason, natural or otherwise) of any person who used the care service

5) Number of Incidents reported to or investigated by the police, again not necessarily related to safeguarding concerns.

6) Number of Pressure Ulcers of any grade reported by the provider or external medical staff or family, etc.

Please provide these figures in the following way:

Breakdown of the above for years 2014, 2015 for full year; and for 2016 between January and June. Please provide in the form of an excel spreadsheet or word document table format.

If any of the numbers are fewer than 5 for certain years, and you would therefore be unable to disclose them (as it might make the identity of the people involved known), please feel free to add the numbers for different years together and provide the total number.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Mummy Abad

Team, Foi, Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

2 Attachments

Dear Sir/Madam

Please find attached acknowledgement letter in respect of your recent FOI
request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust.

Kind regards

Janet McKay

Information Governance Officer

Southern Health & Social Care Trust



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for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Trust 'IT Security Policy',
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Southern Health & Social Care Trust IT Department 028 38613600

Team, Foi, Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Abad

Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the
Southern Health & Social Care Trust.

Kind regards

Janet McKay

Information Governance Officer

Southern Health & Social Care Trust



The Information and the Material transmitted is intended only for the
person or entity to which it is addressed and may be Confidential/Privileged
Information and/or copyright material.

Any review, transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of
any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities
other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you receive this in error,
please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Southern Health & Social Care Trust archive all Email (sent & received)
for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Trust 'IT Security Policy',
Corporate Governance and to facilitate FOI requests.

Southern Health & Social Care Trust IT Department 028 38613600