Art Fairs
Dear The Royal Parks,
ould you please provide the statements of dilapidations for both the:
Frieze London 2019
Taste of London 2019
I would like to see what deposits were paid and how the work that still needs remedial actions is being dealt with and paid for.
Yours faithfully,
mike dawson
Yours faithfully,
mike dawson
Dear Mr Dawson,
As we have already received a Freedom of Information request from you on
this subject and have set in motion the process of response (see our
acknowledgment sent to you previously) we respectfully request that this
additional request be rescinded.
Thank you.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Records Mailbox,
you have said I have a FOI request out already on this subject. I was told on the last one that you could not deal with this - it had to be the Royal Parks. I wrote to the Royal Parks as stated and got no reply. you now say that you are dealing with it.
can you please let everybody know how you intend to deal with this request?
Yours sincerely,
mike dawson
Hello Mr Dawson,
There was a request which was sent to our Regent's Park mailbox and which
was forwarded to me as FOI Manager for the Royal Parks. This was
acknowledged as being received by us and being processed (copy of this
acknowledgement is attached). We subsequently received another request
from you on the same subject, which I requested be closed as we were
already dealing with it, as shown by our acknowledgement.
From looking at the original email string, I think the confusion seems to
have arisen from your original request via the 'What Do They Know'
website. This seems to indicate it being sent to the Department for
Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The email string does not indicate what
occurred between 'What Do They Know' and DCMS but it is likely DCMS would
have refused it and asked for it to be sent to The Royal Parks.
While we were a government agency, FOI requests were sent via DCMS as the
parent government department. Since we became a charity in April 2017, FOI
requests come directly to us. I am wondering whether this is where the
confusion may have occurred.
So, in essence, we have received your request for information on
dilapidations, have acknowledged it and are working on it within the
guidelines. At no point have we refused the request or said we could not
process it; what we were refusing was a second version of the same
Please be assured that The Royal Parks are working on your request.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Mr Dawson,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request noted
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Gavin Gribbon,
Thank you very much for your correspondence. It is a very nice letter and I am sure the fairs are happy with it. I have worked in the Exhibition Trade and a condition survey and a statement of dilapidations for an event of this size - on the fairs I have done - do not consist of a short A4 letter.
I would have expected photographs of the grass and trees to prove the condition - I presume these trees are protected as with all trees in London? I would also expect a dilapidations report to detail exactly how the event organiser will make good the damage.
I am also very surprised at the small amounts of money involved in making good the devastation these events wreak on The Regents Park.
To be fair I am asking these questions as I believe a condition report was probably not done properly and therefore the dilapidations has not been rectified to any decent standard. The grass around Glousester Gate is non existent where the temporary structures had been erected. I will pop out and get some photographs if you would like to show you?
So we could carry on this backwards and forwards on here or perhaps let me see the actual documentation?
[email address]
thanks very much
Yours sincerely,
mike dawson
Dear Mr Dawson,
Thank you for your reply.
I have spoken to the Events team and they feel the complex and nuanced
issues around the damage repairs may be best discussed over a telephone
call and have asked whether you would be agreeable to discuss directly
with them.
If you feel that this would be useful please let me know and I will set
something up so you can speak directly with them.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Gavin Gribbon,
thank you very much Mr Gribbon. I thank you very much for the offer of a conversation. This would be fantastic. I would like to have a response to the original request if possible - which is a copy of the condition report (a report that is done before any event to make sure the condition of any asset is very clear. This is usually backed up with photographs of any existing damage - a bit like you do when you carry out a car rental - just in case the team are unsure) - and also a copy of the dilapidations report (this is a report that is done after any event which will show - again usually photographically any damage or change to the condition that needs to be made good).
I have been involved in some very large events and agree they can be very nuanced and complex - this is one of the many reasons we normally create these reports and are clear about the evidence photographically.
Yours sincerely,
mike dawson
Dear Mike,
Thank you for getting back to me. I have passed on the request to the team
involved and will let you know as soon as we can arrange something.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear The Royal Parks,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of The Royal Parks's handling of my FOI request 'Art Fairs'.
I have just been put in a holding pattern and now I think ignored
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
mike dawson
Dear Mr Dawson,
Thank you for your email.
As I recall, we were going to try and arrange a call between yourself and
our events team, following our response to your original FOI request,
which you said you were happy to do. This was so we could explain our
management of dilapidation repair and the relationship with our
We can only apologise that this has not taken place so far; while it
should have, in mitigation The Royal Parks have been under tremendous
pressure dealing with the massive increase in park users during lockdown
and a number of issues that arose from that as well as having to furlough
a large number of staff.
We would like to re-extend our offer of a phone discussion with you. If
you could let us know a convenient daytime period in which you would be
available, I can co-ordinate with the team who cover this work.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Gavin Gribbon,
thanks - I will be available most of next week - 10th August if you could give me a couple of times that would be great thanks
Yours sincerely,
mike dawson
Dear Mike,
Thanks for getting back to me. I have passed this to the team to sort out
a potential time.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Hello Mike,
The events team have a slot available this week for a discussion; this
would be:
13 August at 15:00
If this is a time you are not available for, then the next available time
for a discussion is:
20 August at 15:00.
If you have Microsoft Teams we can set up a meeting on that platform.
Alternatively, we can arrange a conference telephone call.
If you want to do either of these times let me know as soon as possible.
Many thanks.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Mike,
Thanks. Did you have a preference for Teams or telephone?
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Mike,
Regarding the below - can you let us know whether you would prefer the
conversation on Microsoft Teams or on a telephone conference call?
Also, can we re-arrange the time on 20th August to 15:30?
Many thanks.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Dear Gavin Gribbon,
telephone conference call pls and 1530 is fine
07818 445402
Yours sincerely,
mike dawson
Hello Mike,
The events people who have set the call up have asked me to send you the
details of the conference call:
As there are several of us on a call, you will need to dial in to the
conference facility, details below.
0300 061 2295 (External) or 2295 (Internal)
When prompted please enter the
• Meeting number 222222 #
• User Pin 2222# (All Users)
Can you confirm you have received the details?
Many thanks.
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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Hi Mike,
Can you confirm you have received this?
Gavin Gribbon | Records Manager | 0300 061 2002 |
[1][email address]
[2] | The Old Police House | Hyde Park | London | W2
The Royal Parks are: Bushy Park | The Green Park | Greenwich Park | Hyde
Park | Kensington Gardens | The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill | Richmond
Park | St James's Park
The Royal Parks is registered in England and Wales: Company Registration
No: 10016100 Registered Charity No: 1172042
Registered Offices: The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London. W2 2UH
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