Arsenic in Baby Formula

Department of Health and Social Care did not have the information requested.

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

I append a portion of the text of SACN’s report on Feeding in the First Year of Life
SACN-Report-on-feeding-in-the-first-year-of-life 16/290
Overall, the inorganic arsenic exposures Statement on potential risks from arsenic
for exclusively breastfeed or formula fed in the diet of infants aged 0 to 12 months
UK infants aged 0 to 4 months generated and children aged 1 to 5 years (2016)
Margins of Exposure (MOEs) that were files/finalstatementonarsenic_0.pdf
generally greater than 10 and would therefore
be considered of low concern. There could
be a small risk to high level consumers of
infant formula that has been reconstituted
with water containing a high level of inorganic
arsenic as this scenario generated MOEs that
were marginally less than 10. Total exposure
to inorganic arsenic, from dietary and non-dietary
sources, in infants and young children aged 4 to 12
months and 1 to 5 years generally generated MOEs
of less than 10 and could therefore pose a risk to
health. When comparing the estimated exposures
from different sources, it becomes apparent that in
these age groups, dietary sources generally contribute
more significantly to exposure than non-dietary sources
such as soil and dust. It is therefore reiterated that
efforts to reduce the levels of inorganic arsenic in
food and water should continue.

NHS Choices recommends tap water should be used to make up baby formula. This is because bottled water contains too much sodium and too many sulphates. (This belief is incorrect, by the way, as an analysis of bottled water labels and Water Company water quality reports will prove.)

From 2023, if the Government initiates Water Fluoridation in the North East of England and then proceeds to other areas progressively, all formula-fed babies will be given fluoridated water to make up their formula.

The British Standard 12175:2013 lists arsenic as a chemical parameter in the hexafluorosilicic acid which is used to add fluoride to drinking water.

An analysis of the concentration of arsenic in I litre of fluoridated water shows that up to 25% of the maximum allowable arsenic is present in hexafluorosilicic acid added when fluoridating tap water. That’s in addition to any arsenic which was present in the raw water prior to treatment and which could not be removed by normal water treatment processes.

Thus, the practice of water fluoridation increases the concentration of arsenic in tap water which is used to make up baby formula. SACN’s advice is “It is therefore reiterated that efforts to reduce the levels of inorganic arsenic in .food and water should continue.”

1. Is the Department of Health and Social Care/OHID aware of this state of affairs?

2. Is the deliberate addition of arsenic to drinking water in contravention of SACN’s recommendations?

Yours faithfully,

Joy Warren

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,
At the beginning of my request, because of the failure of the form letter to retain formatting, the message has become garbled. Originally in two columns, the second column should read:
"Statement on potential risks from arsenic in the diet of infants aged 0 to 12 months
and children aged 1 to 5 years (2016). "

Thus, the 1st para should now read:

Overall, the inorganic arsenic exposures
for exclusively breastfed or formula fed UK infants
aged 0 to 4 months generated
MOEs that were generally greater than
10 and would therefore be considered of
low concern. There could be a small risk
to high level consumers of infant
formula that has been reconstituted .......

Joy Warren

Department of Health and Social Care

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epidemiological situation change. In these circumstances, there is
guidance available on a range of queries.

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Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care. 

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The answers to many other questions can be found on [2]GOV.UK,
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appropriate, we aim to send a response within 20 working days.
Please note that the department cannot arrange vaccinations. [5]This
webpage gives information on vaccination. You can also contact your GP,
clinical commissioning group or call 119.


If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you must get tested as soon as possible.
The swab test takes less than a minute and is pain-free. Results from test
sites are generally received within 24 hours of the test being
administered. Further information, including what symptoms to look out
for, can be found [6]here.
If your business is interested in helping the Government increase
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the service that was set up for businesses to offer other COVID-19 support
has closed. If you have a product to sell to the NHS, please visit
Since 15 February 2021, anyone travelling to the UK from a red-list
country has been required to quarantine in a managed quarantine facility
for a period of ten days. There will be periods where no countries are
listed, but the red list remains ready to be stood up should the global
epidemiological situation change. In these circumstances, there is
guidance available on a range of queries.

To find out how to apply for a medical or compassionate exemption, please

If you have been in quarantine and have a complaint about the hotel,
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If you would like to raise your concerns about a COVID-19 testing
provider, or have any other NHS Test and Trace enquiries, you can
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Our [13]Personal information charter and [14]privacy notice explain how we
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1 Attachment

Dear Ms Warren,

Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1425025).

Yours sincerely, 

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections