Army Inspectorate Review of the Safeguarding of Army Cadets dated 2 Mar 2022
Dear British Army,
Please provide a copy of the Army Inspectorate Review of the Safeguarding of Army Cadets dated 2 Mar 2022
Yours faithfully,
Richard Stebbings
Dear Mr Stebbings,
Please see attached response to your requests for information
Information Rights Team
Ministry of Defence
Thank you for your letter.
I have emailed you a copy of my ID to the email address detailed on the top of your letter, as requested.
I hope that this is sufficient for you to verify my identity and to disclose the requested information.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Stebbings
Dear Mr Stebbings,
Please find attached correspondence in response to your recent Freedom of
Information request submitted to the Ministry of Defence, I apologise for
the delay in this response and for any inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely,
Workforce & Organisation 1 | Army Policy & Secretariat
Strategic Centre | Army Headquarters | IDL 24 | Blenheim Building |
Malborough Lines | ANDOVER | SP11 8HJ
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