Army Policy and Secretariat
Army Headquarters
IDL 24 Blenheim Building
Marlborough Lines
Hampshire, SP11 8HJ
United Kingdom
Ref: Army/Sec/St/Army/FOIs2020/12534/12523/
Mr Justin Zacchi
10 December 2020
Dear Mr Zacchi,
Thank you for your recent correspondence requesting information about internal structures and
organisations within the Ministry of Defence (MOD). I am treating your correspondence as a
request for information under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 (the Act). The MOD has
received 15 requests from you on the subject of ‘organisations and locations’ in the last 60 working
days. We have also received four similar requests which we either know or suspect to have come
from individuals working in concert with each other. Due to the large number of requests received,
a list is attached at Annex A.
Under the Appropriate Limit and Fees Regulations, public authorities are able to aggregate two or
more requests where they relate to any extent, to the same or similar information provided certain
conditions are met. These are where the FOI requests:
• Are made by one person, or by different persons who appear to the public authority to be
acting in concert or in pursuance of a campaign
• Are received within any period of 60 consecutive working days
Under Section 12(4) of the Act, provided these conditions are met, the Department is permitted to
regard the estimated cost of complying with any of the requests to be the estimated total cost of
complying with all of them for the purpose of considering whether complying with the request would
exceed the appropriate limit.
We are therefore applying exemption 12(4) to your requests for information about organisational
structures and locations as they were all received within a period of less than 60 consecutive
working days.
It has been estimated that the cost of complying with your requests aggregated under the Fees
Regulations as explained above would exceed the appropriate limit and therefore under the terms
of Section 12 of the Act, we are not obliged to comply. The appropriate limit is specified in
regulations and for central government this is set at £600. This represents the estimated cost of
one person spending three and a half working days in determining whether the Department holds
the information, locating, retrieving and extracting it.
The MOD may be able to provide information requested if you reduce or refine your request to
bring the cost of compliance under the limit however, I must advise that any future requests on the
same subject could also be aggregated under Section 12(4) if they are received within 60 working
days. I must also advise under Section 16 of the Act that it is likely that any further requests on this
subject may be exempt under Section 26 of the Act (Defence) and subsequently be withheld. This
is because by releasing a large amount of information on the Department’s internal structures and
locations can be collated and used to build up a larger picture. In time, when combined with
information already in the public domain, it would, or would be likely to, prejudice the capability,
effectiveness or security of the Armed Forces.
If you have any queries regarding the content of this letter, please contact this office in the first
instance. If you wish to complain about the handling of your request, or the content of this
response, you can request an independent internal review by contacting the Information Rights
Compliance team, Ground Floor, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, SW1A 2HB (e-mail CIO-FOI- Please note that any request for an internal review should be made within 40
working days of the date of this response.
If you remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you may raise your complaint directly to the
Information Commissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act.
Please note that the Information Commissioner will not normally investigate your case until the
MOD internal review process has been completed. The Information Commissioner can be
contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Further details of the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can be
found on the Commissioner's website at
Yours sincerely,
Army Policy and Secretariat
Annex A
Collation of Freedom of Information requests on the subject of: Organisations and locations
On 3 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/12147 the following was requested:
Could you advise (for all services or MoD services) the units/commands (or links where I
could find this information) for the current overseas postings:
1) British Forces Gibraltar
2) British Forces South Atlantic Islands
3) British Forces Cyprus
4) British Forces Belize
5) British Forces Brunei
6) British Forces British Indian Ocean Territories
7) British Army Training Unit Suffield
8) British Army Training Unit Kenya
9) British Army Training and Support Unit Belize
10) Kabul Protection Unit
11) NATO Enhanced Forward Presence (if any permanent deployed units)
I understand as per protection, some of this information might be exempt, so in that cause
you could re-direct me to where I might be able to find some of this information?
On 3 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/12143 the following was requested:
Could you advise or provide a document/link for the current dislocation of RHQs for the
British Army's Infantry Branch?
On 3 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/12141 the following was requested:
Hello, as far as I'm aware after Army 2020 there are 4 Army Training Units (ATUs), ATU
North based in Strensall (detachment in Altcar, former NW ATU), ATU Northern Ireland in
Ballykinler, ATU Scotland in Edinburgh, and ATU West in Exeter with a Wales detachment in
So, my questions is;
1) Can you advise of these ATUs still exist or have been disbanded.
2) What are the roles of ATUs and which command/units are they placed under themselves
3) Have any changes occurred since Army 2020 in relation to the ATUs
On 6 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/12286 the following was requested:
I can advise by "numbers" I mean like 43 AEC or 41 AEC, etc. And by "subordination", yes
I'm referring to their higher organisation.
Could you advise the following (or information is available elsewhere a link would work too):
1) The current AECs (Army Education Centres) and their numbers
2) Those AECs above, their location and their subordination (if allowed to disclose this
On 16 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/12534 the following was requested:
Can you advise if any units have changed/moved since OrBat request in November 2018,
provided here:
On 16 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/12523 the following was requested:
Annex A
Could you advise the status of the new "Strike" ISTAR companies? In a post from 3 RIFLES,
an "ISTAR Company" was deploying as part of training for the new Strike concept. Can you
confirm this, or expand on what I might be getting confused with something else here. Link
to my reference:
On 26 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13033 the following was requested:
Could you advise or provide a document/link for the currently location of Corps HQs for the
British Army (ie: Royal Engineers, RLC, REME)? (previous request related:
On 26 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13032 the following was requested:
Could you advise or provide a document/link for the currently location of RHQs for the Royal
Armoured Corps? (previous request related: Army/Sec/Basing/FOI2020/12143)
On 27 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13087 the following was requested:
Have the following Royal Signal Squadrons been placed in suspended animation or
disbanded and if so, what date were they placed or disbanded?
211 Signal Squadron
212 Signal Squadron (Was it merged together with 201 Signal Squadron?)
214 Signal Squadron
Land Information Assurance Group (LIAG)
On 30 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13144 the following was requested:
How Defence Works version 6.0 states that "Subordinate to CGS are two 3-star commanders
and one 2-star commander...Commander Joint Helicopter Command." page 30
However MOD roles and salaries 2019 states that Commander Field Army has "operational
control of the Joint Helicopter Command."
1) Is Commander Joint Helicopter Command (JHC) under operational command of
Commander Field Army (CFA) or Chief of the General Staff (CGS) as of November 2020?
2) If Commander JHC is under operational command of CGS, when did the change of
command between CFA and CGS occur? Please state month and year if possible.
On 30 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13128 the following was requested:
I'm unsure if this information is available, but if not could you provide a list or advise which
barracks form part of Catterick Garrison. Also, if you could advise which units they are used
by (if allowed). I understand for security reasons some information can't be provided, so if
Annex A
there is somewhere this information has already been listed/provided and can be given to
me, that would be great too!
On 30 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13126 the following was requested:
1) Could you provide either a list (or url where this information is available) for the current
units based in (including any moving out/into Scotland) by the end of the year.
2) Could you also also advise if the following units have moved/changed their command
(command as in what they report to):
2a) 1 MERCIAN (due to move to Weeton Barracks and swap with 2 YORKS?)
2b) 2 YORKS (my understanding is they are due to move to Cyprus later this month
and swap with 1 MERCIAN)
2c) 1 PWRR
2d) 1 YORKS (my understanding is they've just moved to Catterick?)
2d) Royal Dragoon Guards (my understanding is they have just moved to Warminster?)
On 30 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13123 the following was requested:
Could you provide either a list (or url/pdf) which provides a list of the current sites
used/owned by the Ministry of Defence within Scotland.
On 30 Nov 2020 under FOI2020/13110 the following was requested:
Could you advise the recruiting areas (if assigned one) for each of the regular regiments of
the Royal Armoured Corps? I'm aware the Yeomanry are regional, therefore I'm asking for
only the regulars.
On 1 Dec 2020 under FOI2020/13258 the following was requested:
The latest E-Wire publication
Autumn%2020.pdf list 246 (Gurkha) Signal Squadron as under both 1 Signal Regiment and 2
Signal Regiment, pages 38 and 42.
Similarly in page
38, 41 and pages 19
and 24 and
20/Autumn%2019%20Wire%20for%20website.pdf pages 21, 23
Can you please clarify which regiment or higher formation 246 Signal Squadron is
subordinate to or reports to?
On 3 Dec 2020 under FOI2020/13350 the following was requested:
Could you advise which 1* (or 2* if applicable) each of the below units are:
1) Currently subordinated to
2) their future (if changing) future command.
1) KRH
2) HCR
3) RL (Royal Lancers)
4) RDG
5) RWY
7) 1 SCOTS
Annex A
8) 4 SCOTS
9) 2 LANCS
10) 1 YORKS
11) 3 RIFLES
12) 103 REME
13) 104 REME
14) 105 REME
On 4 Dec 2020 under FOI2020/13375 the following was requested:
Could you provide a list/document which shows all current army Garrisons/Stations/Camps?
On 4 Dec 2020 under FOI2020/13374 the following was requested:
In reference to Army/Sec/Basing/FOI2020/12143;
Please could you provide a list of Regimental Headquarters 'Outstations' for each of the
RHQs stated in the referenced request.
On 9 Dec 2020 under FOI2020/13567 the following was requested:
1) Is 8 Engineer Brigade's CIS Troop part of the Royal Engineers or Royal Signals, and could
you provide their current location
2) Does 38th (Irish) Brigade and the SIG have a separate signal troop, or just RCS personnel
attached to their HQ?
3) Could you clarify the following; is 13 Signal Regiment due to move to 1 ISR Bde in the
future? Or will it remain under 1 Signal Brigade? According to this FOI(A):
Army/Sec/21/02/FOI2019/06365, 13 Signal Regiment was due to come under 1 ISR Bde.
4) Could you advise if the ARRC Military Police Battalion is still active, and could you
confirm this battalion is under 1 (UK) Signal Bde?