Area 10
Dear Highways England Company Limited,
I'm still awaiting the Area 6 and 8 information. I have asked you where the information is online. A company that bids for a large contract worth millions doesn't just give it up. There would be notice, consideration, evaluation, discussion, review and approaches to others about taking on the works. I am expecting to be provided all of this but you have given me nothing. If it is not online, send me what you can.
Amey have been awarded Area 10. What's the difference in contracts and what is different that Amey can make money in Area 10 ?
Yours faithfully,
Jacob Smith
This is an automated response:
Thank you for your email to Highways England.
If you’re reporting a real time issue which requires immediate attention
please call the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.
A map of the roads for which we are responsible can be found here
If the road you’re interested in isn’t on this map it will fall under the
jurisdiction of the local authority. You can find details of local
authorities using the search facility on the website
at: [2]
If your email does relate to an issue on Highways England's network it
will be passed to the relevant team within Highways England and they will
respond to you within a maximum of 15 working days.
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Please be advised that emails may be monitored for training and quality
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Highways England Customer Contact Centre.
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Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[5] |
[6][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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6. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Highways England Company Limited,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Highways England Company Limited's handling of my FOI request 'Area 10'.
You have not replied to my information request.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Jacob Smith
This is an automated response:
Thank you for your email to Highways England.
If you’re reporting a real time issue which requires immediate attention
please call the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.
A map of the roads for which we are responsible can be found here
If the road you’re interested in isn’t on this map it will fall under the
jurisdiction of the local authority. You can find details of local
authorities using the search facility on the website
at: [2]
If your email does relate to an issue on Highways England's network it
will be passed to the relevant team within Highways England and they will
respond to you within a maximum of 15 working days.
If you’ve made a request under the Freedom of Information Act we will
respond to you within a maximum of 20 working days. Your request will be
dealt with in line with government guidelines:
Please be advised that emails may be monitored for training and quality
assurance purposes.
To help us improve our service please click [4]here to complete a short
Kind regards
Highways England Customer Contact Centre.
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[5] |
[6][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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6. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Mr Smith
Pls find attached our response to your FOI request below.
I apologise for the delay in responding to you, I hope you find our response helpful.
If you have any further questions then pls quote ref 766,614 in any further correspondence.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Mr Smith
Internal Review Reference: 767,309
Thank you for your email dated 9 November.
I understand from your email you are requesting an internal review into
the handling of your Freedom of Information request reference: 766,614 –
‘Area 10’.
I note you initially submitted this request on 10 October 2018 as such the
response was due by 7 November 2018.
I note the final response to this request was provided to you on 3
December 2018. This is outside of the statutory 20 working day deadline
for which I apologise.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this review you can make a
complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office the details for which
can be found below:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely
Sian Jones| Lead Information Rights Officer | Information & Technology
Highways England | Piccadilly Gate | Store Street | Manchester | M1 2WD
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[1] |
[2][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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2. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Jones, Sian,
yes, you've not answered the request.
I'm still awaiting the Area 6 and 8 information. I have asked you where the information is online. A company that bids for a large contract worth millions doesn't just give it up. There would be notice, consideration, evaluation, discussion, review and approaches to others about taking on the works. I am expecting to be provided all of this but you have given me nothing. If it is not online, send me what you can.
Amey have been awarded Area 10. What's the difference in contracts and what is different that Amey can make money in Area 10 ?
How come Amey terminated the contract? This doesn't just happen overnight. I'm after all the information. Now they've got another Area. Seems farcical and secretive.
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
Dear Mr Smith
The response of 3 December stated;
The Area 9 ASC contract, that Kier were responsible for, was extended to include Areas 6 and 8 on an interim basis until this contract could be re-tendered.
The VEAT notice signalling the modification of the Area 9 contract and the modification notice are both published on the Tenders Electronic Daily website:
The original contract documents for the ASC contracts in Areas 6 and 8 and the Asset Delivery Contract North West Maintenance and Repair Contract (Area 10) are publicly available on Contracts Finder. I have included the links to these contracts below for ease:
As such the links to the information held online in respect of Areas 6 and 8 was included. Therefore I would be grateful if you could clarify which information you believe has not been provided to you.
Yours sincerely
Sian Jones| Lead Information Rights Officer | Information & Technology
Highways England | Piccadilly Gate | Store Street | Manchester | M1 2WD
Dear FOI Advice,
i want all the exchanges relating to Kier taking over management of 6 and 8.
How come Amey now get 10. What's different
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Pls find our letter for a reduction of scope in your request.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
Web: [1]
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Khan, Rizwana,
I reduce the scope of my request to pre-contract award exchanges.
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your speedy response. Just to let you know that the new deadline for final response is now 8th March 2019 and we aim to have a response to you by then.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Mr Smith
Pls find attached our response to your request below.
Pls ensure you quote ref 768,554 in any future correspondence.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Khan, Rizwana,
Send me everything you have done and got so far and an explanation of the rationale for awarding the contract to Kier.
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Please find attached our response to your request below.
The outcome of the Public Interest Test will be sent to you by 17 April.
If you have any further question then pls ensure you quote ref 768,554 in any future correspondence.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Mr P Swift left an annotation ()
the response reads:
'I am writing regarding your request for information, received on 10.03.19. In that
request, you confirmed a reduction of scope of your request to everything Highways
England has done and got so far and an explanation of the rationale for awarding the
contract to Kier.
I wish to notify you that a Public Interest test is being conducted on the information
we have gathered so far (exemption S.43 (1) & 92) and S.40 (2)) and I hope to be
able to provide you with the outcome of the PIT by 17 April 2019.
In response to your request for an explanation of the rationale for awarding the
contract to Kier. Highways England and Amey Highways Ltd made a joint decision to
conclude the Area 6 and 8 Asset Support Contracts (ASC) in the East region, two
years ahead of the planned contract end date, on 31 March 2017. This was an
unforeseen situation that did not allow sufficient time to tender and mobilise a new
contract safely, or to effectively implement the company’s latest Asset Delivery
business model. Following consideration of several options the company took the
decision to utilise the company’s existing adjacent ASC supplier, Kier to ‘step-in’ to
provide a routine maintenance service from 1 April 2017.'
Amey could not make money on the contract. Possibly the use of Kier for this ASC should be considered in relation to the lack of transparency referred to here:
Dear Mr Smith
Further to my email below, pls find attached our response which includes the outcome of the PIT. Apologies for the one day delay in getting this to you, I was out of office with no access to my emails.
If you have any further questions then pls ensure you quote 768,554 in all future correspondence.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Khan, Rizwana,
Where's everything about why it happened, discussions beforehand and what you did to stop it.
I'm still awaiting the Area 6 and 8 information. I have asked you where the information is online. A company that bids for a large contract worth millions doesn't just give it up. There would be notice, consideration, evaluation, discussion, review and approaches to others about taking on the works. I am expecting to be provided all of this but you have given me nothing. If it is not online, send me what you can.
Amey have been awarded Area 10. What's the difference in contracts and what is different that Amey can make money in Area 10 ?
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
I am currently out of the office and unavailable. Please contact Nicola
Patchett on 0300 470 2534 or Matthew Aymes on 0300 470 7243 if your matter
requires a response.
If you would like to make a request under the Freedom of information Act
or Environmental Information Regulations Act please contact
[1][Highways England request email].
Riz Khan
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[2] |
[3][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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1. mailto:[Highways England request email]
3. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Highways England Company Limited,
What unforeseen situation?
Yours faithfully,
Jacob Smith
This is an automated response:
Thank you for your email to Highways England.
If you’re reporting a real time issue which requires immediate attention
please call the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.
A map of the roads for which we are responsible can be found here
If the road you’re interested in isn’t on this map it will fall under the
jurisdiction of the local authority. You can find details of local
authorities using the search facility on the website
at: [2]
If your email does relate to an issue on Highways England's network it
will be passed to the relevant team within Highways England and they will
respond to you within a maximum of 15 working days.
If you’ve made a request under the Freedom of Information Act we will
respond to you within a maximum of 20 working days. Your request will be
dealt with in line with government guidelines:
Please be advised that emails may be monitored for training and quality
assurance purposes.
To help us improve our service please click [4]here to complete a short
Kind regards
Highways England Customer Contact Centre.
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[5] |
[6][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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6. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your question below. This is to acknowledge and inform you that this will be logged as a new FOI request.
In order for me to proceed, can you please clarify your question and be specific as to what you mean by 'what unforeseen situation' and what it relates to?
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Khan, Rizwana,
It's your words in
Official sensitive IDC minutes 2017 03 28 Redacted 15042019 Redacted.pdf
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
I am currently out of the office and unavailable. Please contact Nicola
Patchett on 0300 470 2534 or Matthew Aymes on 0300 470 7243 if your matter
requires a response.
If you would like to make a request under the Freedom of information Act
or Environmental Information Regulations Act please contact
[1][Highways England request email].
Riz Khan
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[2] |
[3][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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1. mailto:[Highways England request email]
3. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Mr Smith
Thanks for your reply. Once again, can you clarify which FOI request this relates to, was this redacted document sent to you? Under what FOI request?
Dear Mr Smith
I have reviewed the minutes and I am looking into providing you with a response soon.
I am currently out of the office and unavailable. Please contact Nicola
Patchett on 0300 470 2534 or Matthew Aymes on 0300 470 7243 if your matter
requires a response.
If you would like to make a request under the Freedom of information Act
or Environmental Information Regulations Act please contact
[1][Highways England request email].
Riz Khan
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[2] |
[3][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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1. mailto:[Highways England request email]
3. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Mr Smith
Pls find attached our response to your questions below.
I also attach our previous response to you ref 766,614.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Highways England Company Limited,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Highways England Company Limited's handling of my FOI request 'Area 10'.
What unforeseen situation?
How can you say you have answered this when i have only just raised it cause you've only just used the words?
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Jacob Smith
This is an automated response:
Thank you for your email to Highways England.
If you’re reporting a real time issue which requires immediate attention
please call the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.
A map of the roads for which we are responsible can be found here
If the road you’re interested in isn’t on this map it will fall under the
jurisdiction of the local authority. You can find details of local
authorities using the search facility on the website
at: [2]
If your email does relate to an issue on Highways England's network it
will be passed to the relevant team within Highways England and they will
respond to you within a maximum of 15 working days.
If you’ve made a request under the Freedom of Information Act we will
respond to you within a maximum of 20 working days. Your request will be
dealt with in line with government guidelines:
Please be advised that emails may be monitored for training and quality
assurance purposes.
To help us improve our service please click [4]here to complete a short
Kind regards
Highways England Customer Contact Centre.
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[5] |
[6][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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6. mailto:[Highways England request email]
Dear Mr Smith,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Unfortunately I think there has been some confusion around which question Highways England response dated 7 May 2019 was referring to. The response provided on 7 May 2019 was in relation to your e-mail dated 20 April 2019 where you asked -
Where's everything about why it happened, discussions beforehand and what you did to stop it.
I'm still awaiting the Area 6 and 8 information. I have asked you where the information is online. A company that bids for a large contract worth millions doesn't just give it up. There would be notice, consideration, evaluation, discussion, review and approaches to others about taking on the works. I am expecting to be provided all of this but you have given me nothing. If it is not online, send me what you can.
Amey have been awarded Area 10. What's the difference in contracts and what is different that Amey can make money in Area 10 ?
The question you have stated below 'what unforeseen circumstance?' was provided at a later date 25 April 2019 and clarified on 29 April 2019. The team are still looking into this question and will provide a response in due course. Yesterdays response was not in relation to this question but because it appears under the same request title (Area 10) as the 20 April question it may have appeared that it was.
As I have mentioned above as the team are still looking to provide a response to the 'unforeseen circumstance' question can you please confirm if you would still like an internal review at this time in relation to this question.
I hope I have clarified the situation and I look forward to hearing from you in due course in relation to the internal review request.
Yours Sincerely
Jonathan Drysdale
Freedom of Information Officer (HE)
Information & Technology
Highways England | Piccadilly Gate | Store Street | Manchester | M1 2WD
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your question below.
Further to our response to you under FOI 768,554 sent on 18/4/19 you emailed me a follow up question on 25/4/19 asking '' What unforeseen situation?''
I would refer you to the full business case we provided you (see attached) as part of our response sent 18/4/19. The business case provides the information you seek and answers your question, specifically in section 1.5 (i) page 9.
Rizwana Khan
Business Information & Assurance Team
Commercial & Procurement
Highways England | Lateral | 8 City Walk | Leeds | LS11 9AT
Tel: +44 (0) 300 4702482 | Mobile: + 44 (0) 773 898 0858
GTN: 0300 470 2482
Dear Khan, Rizwana,
Highways England and Amey Highways Ltd made a joint decision to conclude the Area 6 and 8
Asset Support Contracts (ASC) in the East region, two years ahead of the planned contract end
date, on 31 March 2017. This was an unforeseen situation that did not allow sufficient time to
tender and mobilise a new contract safely, or to effectively implement the new Asset Delivery
business model.
I get it was unforeseen leading up to the point at which it was announced but it happened. What caused it to happen, there should be letters to and fro about the decision and meetings at least.
Right after yours I get a response to the 'unforeseen circumstance' I think. So as they are still got giving me what I want I’d would still like an internal review
The paragraph you’ve sent me to is why you didn’t see it coming, not why it happened. I can only guess that you terminated the contract for poor performance. Is this what happened? So where’s all this information about quality management mechanisms not deliver the required outcomes in
this case, affected service levels and the ongoing performance of the contracts?
I don’t even know who approached who first. Someone in the relationship got upset and wanted out.
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Please find attached the internal review reference: 770,420 of your
Freedom of Information request reference 768,554.
Yours Sincerely
Jonathan Drysdale
Freedom of Information Officer (HE)
Information & Technology
Highways England | Piccadilly Gate | Store Street | Manchester | M1 2WD
Web: [1]
This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended
only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution,
disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and destroy it.
Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000
|National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park,
Birmingham B32 1AF |
[2] |
[3][Highways England request email]
Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge
House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ
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3. mailto:[Highways England request email]
We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone
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Mr P Swift left an annotation ()
A time lines appears here:
allegations made to Sarah Green 21/06/2017.
21/09/2018, inquiry concluded.