Application Statistics - BSc Mathematics and/with Economics

The request was partially successful.

Dear London School of Economics,

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would ask that you provide the following data,

1) For the past 6 admission cycles, how many applicants applied for GL11 and G1L1 and how many offers were made.

2) Focusing on the offers made these past 6 cycles, how many were unconditional offers?

3) Of those who met the conditions of their offer, how many achieved or surpassed A*A*A*.

4) Of those who met the conditions of their offer, how many achieved or surpassed A*A*A*A*.

5) For the past 4 admission cycles, how many students started at LSE (for all undergraduate degrees) without any A-Levels or equivalent qualifications.

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Wade

GLPD.Info.Rights, London School of Economics

Dear Joshua,


With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, please find below the School’s response.


1) For the past 6 admission cycles, how many applicants applied for GL11
and G1L1 and how many offers were made.




  2011/2 2012/3 2013/4 2014/5 2015/6 2016/7
BSc in Mathematics and Economics 525 544 552 547 479 455
BSc in Mathematics with 349 362 381 393 375 371
Total 874 906 933 940 854 826




  2011/2 2012/3 2013/4 2014/5 2015/6 2016/7
BSc in Mathematics and Economics 85 88 109 116 98 125
BSc in Mathematics with 57 80 65 132 115 90
Total 142 168 174 248 213 215



2) Focusing on the offers made these past 6 cycles, how many were
unconditional offers?


Unconditional Offers:


  2011/2 2012/3 2013/4 2014/5 2015/6 2016/7
BSc in Mathematics and Economics 11 5 10 11 6 5
BSc in Mathematics with
Economics 11 4 8 9 6 5
Total 22 9 18 20 12 10


3) Of those who met the conditions of their offer, how many achieved or
surpassed A*A*A*.


Please see attached spreadsheet. Please note this covers 2010-2016 as we
haven’t received the A level results for 2016-17 yet.


4) Of those who met the conditions of their offer, how many achieved or
surpassed A*A*A*A*.


Please see attached spreadsheet. Please note this covers 2010-2016 as we
haven’t received the A level results for 2016-17 yet.


5) For the past 4 admission cycles, how many students started at LSE (for
all undergraduate degrees) without any A-Levels or equivalent




If you think that the information provided does not meet your request,
contact me on 020 7849 4622 or write to Kevin Haynes, Head of Legal Team, 
Governance, Legal and Policy Division, London School of Economics and
Political Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We will then review
the response to your request and get back to you within 20 working days.
You can also contact the Information Commissioner's Office
[1], though they expect the internal review to be
carried out before receiving a complaint directly.


The provision of information by the LSE under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 does not imply a right to copy, reproduce publish or otherwise
use such information.


Copying or reproducing such information in any way either in whole or in
part without prior written consent may be an infringement of copyright or
other intellectual property right belonging to the LSE or a third party.


Yours sincerely,

Rachael Maguire

Records Manager

London School of Economics



show quoted sections

GLPD.Info.Rights, London School of Economics

1 Attachment

Dear Joshua,


For some reason, the attachment wasn’t attached, it now is.





From: GLPD.Info.Rights
Sent: 25 April 2016 15:28
To: '[FOI #323629 email]'
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - Application Statistics - BSc
Mathematics and/with Economics - due today


Dear Joshua,


With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, please find below the School’s response.


1) For the past 6 admission cycles, how many applicants applied for GL11
and G1L1 and how many offers were made.




  2011/2 2012/3 2013/4 2014/5 2015/6 2016/7
BSc in Mathematics and Economics 525 544 552 547 479 455
BSc in Mathematics with 349 362 381 393 375 371
Total 874 906 933 940 854 826




  2011/2 2012/3 2013/4 2014/5 2015/6 2016/7
BSc in Mathematics and Economics 85 88 109 116 98 125
BSc in Mathematics with 57 80 65 132 115 90
Total 142 168 174 248 213 215



2) Focusing on the offers made these past 6 cycles, how many were
unconditional offers?


Unconditional Offers:


  2011/2 2012/3 2013/4 2014/5 2015/6 2016/7
BSc in Mathematics and Economics 11 5 10 11 6 5
BSc in Mathematics with
Economics 11 4 8 9 6 5
Total 22 9 18 20 12 10


3) Of those who met the conditions of their offer, how many achieved or
surpassed A*A*A*.


Please see attached spreadsheet. Please note this covers 2010-2016 as we
haven’t received the A level results for 2016-17 yet.


4) Of those who met the conditions of their offer, how many achieved or
surpassed A*A*A*A*.


Please see attached spreadsheet. Please note this covers 2010-2016 as we
haven’t received the A level results for 2016-17 yet.


5) For the past 4 admission cycles, how many students started at LSE (for
all undergraduate degrees) without any A-Levels or equivalent




If you think that the information provided does not meet your request,
contact me on 020 7849 4622 or write to Kevin Haynes, Head of Legal Team, 
Governance, Legal and Policy Division, London School of Economics and
Political Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We will then review
the response to your request and get back to you within 20 working days.
You can also contact the Information Commissioner's Office
[1], though they expect the internal review to be
carried out before receiving a complaint directly.


The provision of information by the LSE under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 does not imply a right to copy, reproduce publish or otherwise
use such information.


Copying or reproducing such information in any way either in whole or in
part without prior written consent may be an infringement of copyright or
other intellectual property right belonging to the LSE or a third party.


Yours sincerely,

Rachael Maguire

Records Manager

London School of Economics



show quoted sections