Application documents for Starling Bank Limited
Dear Prudential Regulation Authority,
Please provide all information you hold with regard to the application Starling Bank Limited made in applying for its regulated status with the PRA or any other regulatory body. Please include completed application forms, business plan submissions, and any other relevant paperwork with regard to the application.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Aimie
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 6 April below (our ref: CAS-07460-S3R2T6).
We will reply in due course
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Aimie
Please find attached a response to your email of 6 April below.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Sandra,
Thank you for your letter of 29 April 2019.
I should like to appeal your decision not to release the information requested and request an internal review.
You refer to Section 44 of the FoI act which exempts information if prohibited by or under any enactment. You reference section 348(2) of the FSMA as this enactment. You provide no other reasons to refuse disclosure.
Section 348(2) defines confidential information as restricted to a person (individual), it does not relate to information referring to a corporate body such as Starling Bank Limited. You are incorrect to state that it refers broadly to "any information... which has been received by the Bank". This is simply not true and is not the wording in the legislation you reference (
In fact, Section 348(4) states explicitly that "information is not confidential information if it is in the form [...] so framed that it is not possible to ascertain from it information relating to any particular person". It implicitly endorse disclosure relating to corporate bodies.
The information in this request does not request any personal information regarding an individual. It requests information relating to the corporate entity of Starling Bank Limited. You are able to make this available in an appropriately redacted form if personal names are listed, and I request you do so.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Aimie
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 29 April below (our ref: CAS-08186-L3K6KO).
We expect to respond by 29 May.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Aimie
Please find attached a response to your email dated 29 April below.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH
+44 20 3461 4878
Hi Heena,
Yes I should like to request an internal review.
In your letter of 29 April you confirm the Bank holds information within the scope of my request. It is possible to redact reference to any person from this information and still respond to the FOI request.
Many thanks,
Dear Aimie
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 17 June below (our ref: CAS-09715-W1J9N2).
We expect to respond by
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear Aimee
Please find attached a response to your email of 17 June below.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
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