APHA Risk assessment for all zoonotic diseases that dogs and cats and other companion animals are at risk of being infected with within the UK

Waiting for an internal review by Animal and Plant Health Agency of their handling of this request.

Dear Animal and Plant Health Agency,

Please take this communication as a request to see the APHA's risk assessment in respect of your Brucella canis decision making process in respect of diagnosis, treatment, and management of the dog suspected of /diagnosed as being sero-positive for Brucella canis. This should include all scientific peer reviewed and grey literature primary and secondary evidence that was used to support this decision making.

It is so important to know that the APHA are taking an evidence-based approach to safe guarding the nation, that is proportionate to the relative risks posed by Brucella canis. Therefore, please could I also have the risk assessments in place for all other infectious zoonotic diseases that dogs and cats and other companion animals are known to be at risk of being infected by in the UK. It would be useful in terms of deepening my understanding of the reasoned approach taken in this regard, and I will also signpost other veterinary and paraveterinary professionals and other individuals involved in the rescue and rehoming of overseas dogs imported into the UK to reduce your subsequent workload in responding to similar requests.

Yours faithfully,

Ms Buckley

Dear Animal and Plant Health Agency,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Animal and Plant Health Agency's handling of my FOI request 'APHA Risk assessment for all zoonotic diseases that dogs and cats and other companion animals are at risk of being infected with within the UK'.

I think this may have been missed by your original, across requests, internal review as it has not been answered. Please can you advise as I am waiting keenly on this information. Thanks.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/a...

Yours faithfully,

Ms Buckley