Apart from because you deem it reasonable….
Dear Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency,
Why can’t you use computers like everyone else does so that tax begins on the day it’s required not as in my case 14 days before I owned the car.
It’s theft and in 2021 nothing more than theft.
I don’t want the usual answer, I want to know what gives you the right to steal from people and not have up to date technology which could easily fix the problem you gave of being cumulatively one of the biggest thieves in the UK.
My tax is £695 so I will consider the first day of its years worth to be the 14th.
As I know you will not wish to lose the illegal income stream I will wait to tax my car on the 1st if next month which will be my support for you in not breaking the law. I will also say that as I don’t have up to date computers it’s back dated to the 14th.
If I get stopped I will use this declaration as my reason so the police can decide if stopping you from stealing is worth going to court over.
What with illegal parties, theft and ridiculous Ulez theft the government must be held to account for setting a bad example and breaking UK law on a secondly basis.
Being Welsh is forgivable, being thieves is not.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Mason.
Thank you for your email unfortunately this is not a request for recorded information, as this is a general enquiry I have forwarded your email to our Customer Relation team who will contact you directly. If you have any further enquiries please use following link: https://www.gov.uk/contact-the-dvla or call 0300 790 6801 for Driving Licence enquires or 0300 790 6802 for Vehicle enquires.
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Ein gwasanaethau ar-lein yw'r ffordd gyflymaf a hawsaf o drafod gyda ni. Ewch i gov.uk/dvla-cymraeg nawr.
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