Anti Psychotic drug prescriptions Dementia
Dear Public Health Agency for Northern Ireland,
Can you please provide the following information for the last 10 years or whichever period within the last 10 years is available:
1. Number of prescriptions for all anti-psychotic drug interventions, broken down by health board area, age, gender and primary disorder/impairment of patientsbeing treated.
2. Number of prescriptions for Respiridone, broken down by health board area, age, gender and primary disorder/impairment of patients being treated.
3. Number of prescriptions for Respiridone for patients with dementia, broken down by health board area, age, gender and primary disorder/impairment of patients being treated.
4. Number and Rates mortality for individuals with dementia prescribed with Respiridone or other anti-pschotic drug therapy, broken down by health board area, age, and gender.
5. Number and Rates mortality for individuals with dementia where Respiridone or other anti-psychotic drug therepy has not been prescribed, broken down by health board area, age, gender and primary disorder/impairment of patients being treated.
6. Current advice on prescribing Respiridone for patients with dementia.
If all the data requested is not available, please provide as much as is available.
If you are unable to provide all or any of the information requested due to an exemption in the FOI legislation, please provide details of the exemption(s) relied upon.
Yours faithfully,
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Thank you for your FOI request. The FOI team will formally acknowledge
receipt of your FOI request in due course.
However, in the meantime please consider the following. Due to the
current pandemic, staff within the Public Health Agency are working at
full capacity to respond to and manage the situation day by day. If you
have submitted an FOI request seeking COVID-19 related information, it is
those same staff who will have to be taken from this work and deployed in
order to provide you with a response.
Over the past few months, there has been an increasing amount of
information and statistics made available on the internet, updated on a
daily or weekly basis, in order to inform the public. This information
can be found at:
* [1]DoH Daily Dashboard
* [2]NISRA dashboard
* [3]PHAWeekly COVID 19 & Monthly Epidemiological Bulletins
If your FOI request is COVID-19 related, please take a look at these
resources online – perhaps they will provide the information you are
seeking. If they do, it would be extremely helpful to us if you would
withdraw your request to avoid us having to process your request further.
You can do this by sending a follow-up e-mail to the above email address
advising that you wish to withdraw your request.
If the web links above do not give you the information you are requesting,
or if your request is non-COVID-19 related, we will proceed with your
request as per our normal procedure. Please note that given the current
COVID-19 situation PHA may not be able to respond to your request within
the 20 day timeframe laid down in the FOI Act 2000 however, please be
assured that a response will be sent as soon as we are in a position to do
Thank you
FOI team
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Dear Sir/Madam
Ref: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 12/21
Thank you for your request for information received by the Public Health Agency on 28th January 2021.
This request will be processed under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, within the statutory timescale of 20 working days. While we will endeavour to provide you with a response within this timescale, in the event of disruption to services due to COVID-19 there may be delays. Should any delays arise, we will endeavour to keep you informed with a revised, estimated date for response. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
The leaflet attached is provided for your information and tells you about the legislation and our procedures for dealing with requests for information.
If you have any queries about this communication, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kindly quote the reference number above in any future communications relating to this request for information.
I trust you find this helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Hermin
Janine Watterson
Assistant Governance Manager | 12–22 Linenhall Street | Belfast | BT2 8BS | Tel No: 028 9536 2578
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Dear Sir/Madam
Ref: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 12/21
Your request for information has now been considered by the Public Health Agency and I can confirm that the Public Health Agency does not hold this information.
The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) may be in a position to consider and respond to your information request. See contact details below which you may find helpful.
If you have any queries about this communication or are unhappy with this response and wish to request an internal review, please do not hesitate to contact me. It would be helpful if you could quote the reference number above in any future communications relating to this request for information.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Hermin
Janine Watterson
Assistant Governance Manager | 12–22 Linenhall Street | Belfast | BT2 8BS | Tel No: 028 9536 2578
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