Alex Tabor
Our Reference: 46925
16th October 2009
Dear Alex,
I am writing with reference to your request for information regarding ANPR, dated
13th October 2009, made under section 1(1) of the Freedom of Information Act.
You asked for the following information:
I write to request details of the statutory powers / Act(s) of Parliament under which
ANPR cameras are installed and used as a core policing tool throughout the UK.
The use of ANPR cameras does not require any statutory powers or legislation.
Your right to complain
We take our responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act seriously but, if
you feel your request has not been properly handled or you are otherwise
dissatisfied with the outcome of your request, you have the right to complain. We
will investigate the matter and endeavour to reply within 3 – 6 weeks. You should
write to:
David Horne
Director of Resources
National Policing Improvement Agency
10-18 Victoria Street
National Policing Improvement Agency
If you are still dissatisfied following our internal review, you have the right, under
section 50 of the Act, to complain directly to the Information Commissioner. Before
considering your complaint, the Information Commissioner would normally expect
you to have exhausted the complaints procedures provided by the NPIA. The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
FOI Compliance Team (complaints)
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Further information about the NPIA is routinely published on our website at or through our publication scheme. If you require any further
assistance in connection with this request please contact us at our address above.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Woodgate
IKS Advisor
National Policing Improvement Agency
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