Anonymised scores for admitted students for the years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020
Dear Wilson's School,
Can you kindly release the anonymised scores for admitted students for the years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 in the following format?
Please provide ONLY ANONYMISED raw scores which are not linked to any other information.
Year 2023
| Row 001 | Raw Maths Stage 1 score | Raw English Stage 1 score | Raw Maths Stage 2 score | Raw English Stage 2 score | Final Standardised score | Distance to School
| Row 002 | Raw Maths Stage 1 score | Raw English Stage 1 score | Raw Maths Stage 2 score | Raw English Stage 2 score | Final Standardised score | Distance to School
Year 2022 (repeat of above information for 2022)
Year 2021 (repeat of above information for 2021)
Year 2020 (repeat of above information for 2020)
Yours faithfully,
Vikas Vaish
Dear Vikas
We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request. This will
be processed and considered and a response provided within the statutory
timescale of 20 school days (16 June 2023).
Kind regards
Mrs C Lowe
Data Protection Officer
Wilson’s School Mollison Drive, Wallington, Surrey, SM6
A charitable company limited by guarantee registered
in England and Wales No. 7536970
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expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of Wilson’s
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details set out above are not intended to stand as the sender’s signature.
From: Vikas Vaish <[2][FOI #980023 email]>
Sent: 12 May 2023 13:50
To: OFFICE <[3][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Anonymised scores for admitted
students for the years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020
Dear Wilson's School,
Can you kindly release the anonymised scores for admitted students for the
years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 in the following format?
Please provide ONLY ANONYMISED raw scores which are not linked to any
other information.
Year 2023
| Row 001 | Raw Maths Stage 1 score | Raw English Stage 1 score | Raw
Maths Stage 2 score | Raw English Stage 2 score | Final Standardised score
| Distance to School
| Row 002 | Raw Maths Stage 1 score | Raw English Stage 1 score | Raw
Maths Stage 2 score | Raw English Stage 2 score | Final Standardised score
| Distance to School
Year 2022 (repeat of above information for 2022)
Year 2021 (repeat of above information for 2021)
Year 2020 (repeat of above information for 2020)
Yours faithfully,
Vikas Vaish
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
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Dear Wilson's School,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Wilson's School's handling of my FOI request 'Anonymised scores for admitted students for the years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020'.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Vikas Vaish
Thank you for your email. The school is closed for summer break until
4th September 2023. This mailbox will be checked intermittently however
please do not expect a response to your message until the start of the new
Dear Mr Vaish
Please accept apologies for the delay in response. Your original request was received and acknowledged but sending a response was missed as a result of oversight. We are sorry.
We have considered your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). We can confirm that we hold the information that you have requested but we rely on the exemption for personal data (s.40(2)) as we believe that releasing the information would be contrary to the principles of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. We set out below details as to how we have reached this conclusion.
The information that you have requested is the personal data of a number of living individuals who, we have concluded, can be identified indirectly, from the information requested. We must be particularly mindful that the release of the data you have requested would make the information available to the general public. We recognise that you have requested anonymised data. We are aware however that a number of Subject Access Requests have been made in recent years to the school responsible for the co-ordination of the administration of the Selective Eligibility Test (SET). We believe that it is reasonable to conclude that there is a likelihood of re-identification being attempted by those that would have access to the requested information were it to be released, and such attempts at re-identification may be successful.
When deciding whether to release anonymised personal data, we must take into account the additional information a particular member of the public might have that could be combined with the data requested to produce information that relates to, and identifies, a particular living individual. We are also of the opinion that individuals could learn new information about themselves and others if the information requested is disclosed, including rank position in relation to others. Such a disclosure has the potential for detrimental impact on individuals. In this case we are particularly mindful that the personal data relates to children and therefore there is a duty to take a cautious, and careful approach.
As required by the FOIA, having identified that the information that you have requested constitutes personal data, we have then considered whether processing the information by releasing it in response to your request is lawful. The individuals have not given their consent to its release, so releasing it is not lawful by consent.
We have considered if it is lawful to process the information by releasing it in response to your request because there is a legitimate interest in the disclosure of the information. This requires consideration of the purpose that disclosure of the information would serve. Transparency and accountability in public life is important but we do not believe this disclosure would serve towards assisting in that aim. Disclosure of the information requested does not appear to serve the wider public interest. In fact we believe there is potential that disclosure is detrimental to the public interest by allowing the identification of individuals' performance in the SET and Second Stage Entrance Examination.
Even considering the children who sat, or the parents of children who sat, the SET and Second Stage Entrance Examination for Wilson’s School in the years encompassed in the request, it is not possible to identify a particular interest they could have in the information in itself without combining it with other information they may have. We do not know the nature of your particular private interest in the information you have requested but we consider that making this disclosure to the general public could lead to a disproportionate and unwarranted interference with individual childrens’ rights and freedoms.
Finally we have gone on to consider if there is a pressing social need for disclosure of this information, even though its disclosure interferes with privacy rights. The fact that there is a right for individuals to request information from organisations covered by the FOIA does not in itself constitute a pressing social need for disclosure. The release of anonymised lists of raw and standardised scores and rank positions for candidates in the SET and Second Stage Entrance Examination does not meet a pressing social need.
Therefore for the reasons set out above we have concluded that disclosure of the requested information is unlawful and therefore we are refusing your request.
If you are unhappy with the decision to refuse your request you can contact the school using the Complaints Procedure available on the school’s website. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner ( .
Mrs C Lowe
Director of Operations and Data Protection Officer
Wilson’s School Mollison Drive, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 9JW
A charitable company limited by guarantee registered
in England and Wales No. 7536970
T: 020 8773 2931 |
This email and any attachments to it may contain confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this email you may not copy it, forward it or otherwise use it for any purpose or disclose its contents to any other person. Please contact the sender if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your system. The views or opinions expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of Wilson’s School and no representation or acceptance of liability is made for the accuracy or completeness of its content. The sender’s name and contact details set out above are not intended to stand as the sender’s signature.
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