Annual railway sleepers installed

Transport Scotland did not have the information requested.

Dear Transport Scotland,

Please would you provide details of the numbers of each sleeper and switch and crossing bearer type e.g. concrete block, timber; installed annually on heavy rail and light railway networks in Scotland.

Yours faithfully,

Shamiso Mutukwa

Transport Scotland

Dear Shamiso Mutukwa


Thank you for your email.  I haven’t logged your request or treated it as
a FOISA to Transport Scotland.  I wanted to advise you that Transport
Scotland do not hold this type of information and level of detail. 
Network Rail are the infrastructure manager for the heavy rail network in
Scotland and it would be better for you to direct your request to them
under FOIA for this information.


You can apply by post or email:


[1][email address]


Network Rail
Freedom of Information
1st Floor Willen, Area C
The Quadrant
Elder Gate
Milton Keynes


If you need to speak to one of the Network Rail FOI team you can also
telephone them on 01908 782 405.


I hope that this is helpful, Fiona


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