Requests similar to 'Annual Agency Spend - Schools 2011/12'

3rd Party
Response by Northumberland County Council to David Daniels on .


Good Afternoon. Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information Request dated 24^th April 2012. Regards. Lynne Brown Risk Manageme...
Good Afternoon. Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request dated 21^st May 2012. Regards. Lynne Brown Risk Manag...
School Spend
Response by Northumberland County Council to K Gill on .


Dear K Gill With regards to your recent FOI request, please see attached our response. Regards, Freedom Of Information Children's Services Group...
3rd party
Response by Northumberland County Council to David Daniels on .


Dear Enquirer, Thank you for your request for information in regard to 3^rd party supply agencies. Your request was received on 28 March 2013 and I...
Dear Mr Burns FOI Request EF102785E - Internal Review We are currently dealing with your internal review however we believe that we need further t...
Health & Social Care
Response by Northumberland County Council to T Cox on .

Partially successful

Dear Enquirer   Thank you for your request for information regarding Health & Social Care.  Your request was received on 23 February and I am dealin...
Dear Mr Wilson   Thank you for your request for information regarding correspondence related to  land and buildings at  the special expenses scheme...
School Spend
Response by Northumberland County Council to jemma Jobson on .


Dear Ms Jobson   Thank you for your request for information in respect of school spend.  Your request was received on 10 May and I am dealing with i...
6th Form Students.
Response by Northumberland County Council to bob watson on .


Hi Bob, Further to your recent FOI request, please see the attached response Faye Faye Menzies People Group Northumberland County Council T:...
Council Subcontract Requirements
Response by Northumberland County Council to Martin Tulip on .

Waiting clarification

Good Afternoon. You recently submitted a request with regards to a standard sub contractor policy of Northumberland County Council which included re...
Employee totals
Response by Northumberland County Council to bob watson on .

Partially successful

Mr Watson Further to your original request regarding staffing numbers and following your request for an internal review I am able to provide you wit...
Teachers who are members of political Parties.
Response by Northumberland County Council to Mark Walker on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Walker, Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, please see our attached response. Kind regards, Faye Faye Menzies Fre...
DCSF Home Education Review 2009 Responses
Response by Northumberland County Council to Cowne on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Cowne FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST - EF25850E Your request dated 23 March has been passed to Children's Services for a response on b...
Temporary Staffing by School
Response by Northumberland County Council to A. J. Haw on .


Dear Enquirer Thank you for your request in for information on temporary staffing by school. Your request was received on 15^th February and I am de...
Dear C MCEwan, Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, please find our response attached. Kind regards, Faye Faye Menzies Free...
EHE children abuse and SCR statistics
Response by Northumberland County Council to Cowne on .


Dear Ms Cowne Please find attached response to your FOI request EF25849E Regards Linda Linda Nichol Team Leader (Mon, Tues) Office Services/...
Wide Area Network
Response by Northumberland County Council to Louise Follen on .


Good Afternoon Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request dated 14th September 2009:- Regards. Lynne Brown Risk M...
Dear Ms Berlow, Following your recent Freedom of Information requests, please find our responses attached. Faye Faye Menzies Freedom of Infor...
Dear Ms Berlow, Following your recent Freedom of Information requests, please find our responses attached. Faye Faye Menzies Freedom of Infor...
Dear Ms Davis Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act dated 9 March 2009, concerning roadside verges in Nor...
looked after children
Response by Northumberland County Council to Angela Wileman on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Wileman, Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, please find our response attached. Kind regards, Faye Faye Menzies Fr...
LGO investigations.
Response by Northumberland County Council to Trevor R Nunn on .


Dear Mr Nunn I refer to your request regarding the Local Government Ombudsman. The answer to your question is none. Yours sincerely BobBiggs...
asylum seekers
Response by Northumberland County Council to gary smith on .


Further to your recent request I can confirm that the answer to it is Nil. We don't lease accommodation out to asylum seekers. Nicola Wardle Team...
asylum seekers refugees
Response by Northumberland County Council to gary smith on .

Information not held

Thank you for your recent request however I can confirm the answer is a nil response - we have none. Kind regards Nicola Nicola Wardle Team Lead...
Further call for HE evidence
Response by Northumberland County Council to S Tyler on .


Dear S Tyler, Further to your recent Freedom of Information Request, please see our attached response. Kind regards, Faye Faye Menzies Freed...