Requests similar to 'Annex to Policing Board Minutes 4th September'

Policing Board Minutes 4th September
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to Ady Whelan on .

Partially successful

Ady Whelan NIPB Ref: FOI 58/2023 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer N...
Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to Nicola Pomroy on .

Awaiting classification

Nicola Pomroy Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer Northern Ireland Poli...
Ill Health retirement process
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to David Kitely on .

Awaiting internal review

Mr Kitely NIPB Ref: FOI 78/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer No...
Radius Housing Association
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to Tina Irving on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Tina Irving Thank you for further email. The questions you raise are operational to the PSNI. The Board has had no reason to receive this level of...
14202 NIPB Ref: FOI 47/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Compliance Officer Northern Ireland Pol...
The "Opinion" of the "Qualified Person"
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to 14202 on .

Partially successful

14202 NIPB Ref: FOI 83/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Compliance Officer Northern Ireland Pol...
Dr Anne McCloskey,   NIPB reference FOI 46/2024   Please see the attached correspondence from NI Policing Board.       Compliance Offic...
Materials supplied to SMPs and IMRs between 2017 to 2023
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to SC on .

Awaiting internal review

SC   NIPB Ref: FOI 67/2024   Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.     Thanks     Compliance Officer...
Allison Liddle,   NIPB Ref: FOI 66/2024   Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.     Thanks     Complia...
Allison Liddle NIPB Ref: FOI 75/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Compliance Officer Northern Ir...
Sub Groups
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to 14202 on .


14202 NIPB Ref: FOI 26/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer Northe...
Matters at Edenderry Fold
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to Tina Irving on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Tina Irving NIPB Ref: FOI 32/2023 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer...
FOI responses issued by NIPB
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to PJ Walsh on .


P J Walsh NIPB Ref: FOI 40/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer No...
McCloud Remedy
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to P on .

Long overdue

FAO 'P' Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer Northern Ireland Policing B...
Copy of Resource Committee papers
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to PC on .

Awaiting classification

'PC' NIPB Ref: FOI 56/2023 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer Norther...
Policy Documents
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to 14202 on .


To 14202 NIPB Ref: FOI 12/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer Nor...
Hugh Catherwood,   NIPB Ref: FOI 48/2024   Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.     Thanks     Compli...
Allison Liddle,   NIPB Ref: FOI 55/2024   Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.     Thanks     Complia...
Total cost of the PSNI Injury on Duty scheme.
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to J Sparrow on .

Awaiting classification

J Sparrow NIPB Ref: FOI 48/2023 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer No...
Allison Liddle NIPB Ref: FOI 04/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Offic...
Allison Liddle NIPB Ref: FOI 05/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer...
David Kitely NIPB Ref: FOI 14/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer...
Mr Kitely NIPB Ref: FOI 31/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Officer No...
Delegated Authority
Response by Northern Ireland Policing Board to HUGH CATHERWOOD on .

Partially successful

Hugh Catherwood NIPB Ref: FOI 10/2024 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board. Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Offi...
Dr Anne McCloskey NIPB Ref: FOI 42/2023 Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board Thanks Data Protection / Compliance Offi...