Animal experimentation at Manchester University
Dear University of Manchester,
I request to know how many animals were used in medical and non-medical experiments (please specify which it was) inside your university with the most recent annual statistics available.
I would also like to know all the species that were used in these experiments and how many of each species were used. I am especially interested in research on primates and how the Home Office licence classifies the experiments in terms of lasting pain.
I also request to know the names of researchers from your university who carried out each experiment.
I require this information for my university assignment.
Yours faithfully,
DominiKa Piasecka
Dear Ms Piasecka
I acknowledge receipt of your request asking for data relating to Animal
My colleague Alan Carter will be dealing with your request and will
contact you with regards it shortly.
With best regards
Lisa Crawley
Dr Lisa Crawley l Records Officer l G.011, John Owens Building
l Records Management Office l The University of Manchester l Oxford
Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400
Dear Lisa Crawley,
There seems to be a delay in getting back to me. Please, can I have the answers soon, as required by law?
Yours sincerely,
DominiKa Piasecka
Dear Ms Piasecka
Thank you for your email.
My colleague Alan Carter is responding to your request. I have copied Alan into this email so that you have his contact details and he will contact you himself with regards your request shortly.
With best regards
Lisa Crawley
Dr Lisa Crawley l Records Officer l G.011, John Owens Building l Records Management Office l The University of Manchester l Oxford Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400
Dear Lisa Crawley,
I still have not received a response despite emailing Alan directly. I would much rather to receive a response on here so that other people can see your answer.
Yours sincerely,
DominiKa Piasecka
Dear Dominika,
I am writing in response to your request under the FoIA, which was as
“Dear University of Manchester,
I request to know how many animals were used in medical and
non-medical experiments (please specify which it was) inside your
university with the most recent annual statistics available.
I would also like to know all the species that were used in these
experiments and how many of each species were used. I am especially
interested in research on primates and how the Home Office licence
classifies the experiments in terms of lasting pain.
I also request to know the names of researchers from your
university who carried out each experiment.
I require this information for my university assignment.
Yours faithfully,
DominiKa Piasecka”
Figures for 2015 are as follows:
120724 mice
6804 rats
30 Guinea Pigs
24 Hamsters
42 Rabbits
27 pigs
108 sheep
6 birds
847 amphibians
16845 fish
All usage was for medical research.
The University does not wish to release the names of researchers who
carried out each experiment. In withholding this data we are relying on
s.40 (2) (a) of the Act. We believe that this is the personal data of the
researchers concerned and that it would be unfair to release it into the
public domain.
Home Office Licence classifications in terms of lasting harm are not
recorded centrally but are held by individual project licence holders. It
would be a major task for the University to collate these figures and
would exceed the 18 hour limit defined in the Fees Regulations associated
with the Freedom of Information Act.
I hope that this is of some help.
Yours sincerely
Alan Carter
Records Manager
The University of Manchester
Room G.011 John Owens Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 2758111
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