Requests similar to 'Amount of tickets that have been sold.'

Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. One of the team will get back to you shortly. In the...
Automated announcements.
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Mark Simmonds on .


Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. One of the team will get back to you shortly. In the...
Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. One of the team will get back to you shortly. In the...
HR Procedures
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to John Travis on .


Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. One of the team will get back to you shortly. In the...
Operation of your Twitter account.
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Alexander Davidson on .

Partially successful

Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. One of the team will get back to you shortly. In the...
Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. One of the team will get back to you shortly. In the...
Working Timetables since Newhaven extension
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Suzy Scott on .

Long overdue

Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. Your request will be dealt within the Scottish Information...
Tram operations by vehicle
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Ric Lander on .


Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. Your request will be dealt within the Scottish Information...
Edinbrugh trams working timetable
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to M a bateman on .


Hi Thanks for contacting us regarding a Freedom of Information request at Edinburgh Trams. Your request will be dealt within the Scottish Information...
Please find attached response to your recent FOISA request. Yours sincerely, Julie Smith Edinburgh Trams Ltd 1 Myreton Drive, Edinburgh, EH12 9GF T...
Tram Bell Audio
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Ryan Higgins on .


Good evening, Mr Higgins, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Tom Neil Head of Finance and Business Support ( With addit...
Edinburgh Airport Tickets
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Russell Goldie on .


Good afternoon Mr Goldie, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA request. Tom Neil Finance Manager T +44 (0)131 338 5760 M +44 (0)786...
Current Fleet Availability
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to James Boden on .


Good afternoon, Mr Boden, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA request. Regards Edinburgh Trams Edinburgh Trams Ltd 1 Myreton Dri...
Please find enclosed our response to recent FOISA request. Edinburgh Trams Ltd 1 Myreton Drive, Edinburgh, EH12 9GF T 0131 554 4494 F 0131 554 3942 ed...
Good morning Mr Brazier,   Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA request.   Regards   Tom Neil Finance Manager T      ...
Next Stop & Manual Announcements
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Tom Cripps on .


Good afternoon, Mr Cripps, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Regards Edinburgh Trams Dear Mr Cripps, 12.12.2022...
Tram enquiry
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Albert Anthony Smith on .

Information not held

Good afternoon Albert, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Tom Neil Finance Manager T +44 (0)131 338 5760 M +44 (0)7867 5...
Schematic of the trams
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to James Crellin on .


Good evening James, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Tom Neil Tom Neil Finance Manager Edinburgh Trams 1 Myreton Dri...
Onboard Announcements
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to A Sim on .

Partially successful

Dear Sir\Madam, Please find enclosed our letter of response following your recent FOISA request. Tom Neil Tom Neil Finance Manager A 1 Myreton Driv...
Onboard train announcments
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Josh on .


Good morning Josh and I hope this finds you well. Please find enclosed our response to you recent FOISA request which I hope you find useful. Many th...
Good evening Mr Jenkins, Please find enclosed my response to your recent FOISA request to Edinburgh Trams. Kind regards Edinburgh Trams Dear Mr...
Passenger Information Systems used.
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Martin Anderson on .


Good afternoon, Mr Anderson, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Best regards Edinburgh Trams Dear Mr Anderson , 14....
Newhaven extension distances
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Martin Baumann on .


Good afternoon, Mr Baumann, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Regards Edinburgh Trams Dear Mr Baumann , 08.06.2023...
Speed Limiters
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to Ryan Higgins on .


Good morning, Mr Higgins, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA enquiry. Tom Neil Head of Finance and Business Support Dear Sir\M...
Response by Edinburgh Trams Limited to r. turnbull on .


Good afternoon, Please find enclosed our response to your recent FOISA request. Regards Edinburgh Trams Dear Sir\Madam, 12 .0 5 .2022. Freedom of...