Ambulances Queuing
Dear East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust,
I would like to request the following information.
This request relates to specifically Norfolk.
1) On 28th December 2015 please tell me how many emergency ambulances you had available in Norfolk?
2) Between 1700-2100hrs how many ambulances did you have available to dispatch to Red1/Red2 jobs?
Yours faithfully,
John Anderson
Thank you for your email. This acknowledgement has been triggered
electronically and means that your email has been received by the
Information Governance Department.
Your request will be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and we will respond to you within twenty working days.
Thank you
Dear John
Further to your email dated 31st December 2015, please find the Trust's
response below.
1) On 28th December 2015 please tell me how many emergency ambulances you
had available in Norfolk?
As of 0830 in the morning of the 28th we had confirmed 30 Double Staffed
Ambulance (DSA) on days (of 30 budgeted) and 25 at night (out of 25
Waveney is excluded in the above but as they are half Norfolk, they were
13 of 12 (the Trust was able to put out one more DSA than required) and 8
of 8 respectively.
2) Between 1700-2100hrs how many ambulances did you have available to
dispatch to Red1/Red2 jobs?
The table below gives a breakdown of the number of Double Staff Ambulance
(DSA) vehicles on our scheduling system Global Rostering System (GRS) for
the request time and date. Where the figure is not a whole number it means
that a vehicle only runs for part of the hour for example a 0730-1930
vehicle would be recorded as 0.5 for the hour 1900.
GRS does not reflect staff changes that were made on the day such as
splitting crews, moving staff from/to RRVs. This means that these figures
may not reflect the actual number of vehicles available for Red1/Red2
2nd Level 3rd Level Shift Date Crew 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00
Norfolk Central Norfolk 28/12/2015 DSA 22.5 22 21.25 19.5 19
(A&E) Resources (A&E)
West Norfolk 28/12/2015 DSA 14 13 12.5 11 11
Resources (A&E)
Norfolk (A&E) Total 36.5 35 33.8 30.5 30
I am obliged to advise you that if you are dissatisfied with the Trust’s
response to your request you have a right to complain to the Trust and
should set out your concerns to the Freedom of Information Officer, EEAST,
Hospital Approach, Broomfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 7WS or by email to
[1][email address]. If you remain dissatisfied following this, you have
a right under Section 50 of the FOIA to seek a determination from the
Information Commissioner on whether the Act has been properly applied by
the Trust. For more information, please see [2]
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further
Kind regards
FoI Officer
East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Please note our new email address: [East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]
From: John Anderson [[FOI #308653 email]]
Sent: 31 December 2015 00:56
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Ambulances Queuing
Dear East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust,
I would like to request the following information.
This request relates to specifically Norfolk.
1) On 28th December 2015 please tell me how many emergency
ambulances you had available in Norfolk?
2) Between 1700-2100hrs how many ambulances did you have available
to dispatch to Red1/Red2 jobs?
Yours faithfully,
John Anderson
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #308653 email]
Is [East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust? If so,
please contact us using this form:
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