Amateur radio callsigns
Dear Office of Communications,
May I please request the following information under the FoI Act:
1. List of all UK Amateur Radio Callsigns allocated or reserved by Ofcom as of the date you process this request, including the date when the reserved callsigns will become available for re-allocation.
2. Any information (such as emails or internal discussions) related to a potential or actual authoritative directory of allocated UK amateur radio callsigns accessible on the Internet, to allow relevant users to identify the name of the callsign holder given the callsign. If no such directory exists or is envisaged, please explain why not, since it would address a legitimate public need of identifying who operates a given callsign.
Yours faithfully,
Edoardo Danielli
Reference: 01386286
30/11/2021 13:06
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
Zach Westbrook
Information Requests
Freedom of Information request
Dear Edoardo Danielli,
Thank you for your request for information about a list of allocated or reserved
Amateur radio callsigns. Your request was received on 29/11/2021.
Where we hold the information you have requested we will endeavour to answer
your request in full and within 20 Working Days.
If we are unable to provide the information requested, we will explain why the
information has not been provided.
If you have any queries then please
contact [1][Ofcom request email].
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely,
Zach Westbrook
Our mailing address is:
[5][Ofcom request email]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Ofcom request email]
5. mailto:[Ofcom request email]
Dear Edoardo Danielli,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Zach Westbrook
:: Zach Westbrook
Information Rights Advisor
Contact: +44 20 7981 3657
:: Ofcom
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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