Alternative delivery models
To the information officer,
I am emailing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request relates to alternative delivery models used by the council as of September 17, 2019. Specifically, can you list:
(1) All Local Authority Trading Companies owned by the authority, including the following details:
(a)The name of the company
(b)Company number
(c) Date of incorporation
(d)Services provided/purpose
(2) All Public Service Mutuals (PSM) connected to the authority, including the following details:
(a) The name of the PSM
(b) The date it was created
(c) Any other stakeholders formally involved
(d) Services provided/purpose
(3) All outsourced services, including the following details:
(a) The name of the service
(b) The date on which it was outsourced
(c) The organisation(s) that operates the contract
(d) The length of the contract
(e) The annual cost to the council of the contract
(4) All joint ventures entered into by the authority, including the following details:
(a)The name of the venture
(b)The date on which it began
(c) The other organisation(s) involved
(d) The services provided/purpose
I would like the responses in Excel format with the questions and sub-questions as column headers.
For definitions of the above terms, please see the guidance 'Alternative Delivery Models Explained' issued by the Government on 28 March 2017 (
If you need clarification please contact me at this email address. Under your section 16 duty to provide advice and assistance I would expect you to contact me if you find this request unmanageable in any way before the 20th working day.
I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request, and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Thank you for your time,
Gareth Davies
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information request: FOI-32277
Thank you for your request dated 17 September 2019
Your request will be answered by 15 October 2019
If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Communities & Environment
Royal Borough of Greenwich
' 020 8921 5044
* Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
ü Please consider the environment before printing this email
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information request: FOI-32277
Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request. We are awaiting a response from the
department and we endeavour to provide a response to you as soon as
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Communities & Environment
Royal Borough of Greenwich
' 020 8921 5044
* Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
8 [1]
ü Please consider the environment before printing this email
From: foi
Sent: 17 September 2019 15:43
To: 'Gareth Davies' <[FOI #604312 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-32277: Freedom of Information request - Alternative delivery
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information request: FOI-32277
Thank you for your request dated 17 September 2019
Your request will be answered by 15 October 2019
If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Communities & Environment
Royal Borough of Greenwich
' 020 8921 5044
* Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
ü Please consider the environment before printing this email
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information request: FOI-32277
Thank you for your request dated 17 September 2019
Our response is as follows:
I am emailing to request the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. My request relates to alternative delivery models
used by the council as of September 17, 2019. Specifically, can you list:
(1) All Local Authority Trading Companies owned by the authority,
including the following details:
(a)The name of the company
(b)Company number
(c) Date of incorporation
(d)Services provided/purpose
Nil response
(2) All Public Service Mutuals (PSM) connected to the authority, including
the following details:
(a) The name of the PSM
(b) The date it was created
(c) Any other stakeholders formally involved
(d) Services provided/purpose
Nil response
(3) All outsourced services, including the following details:
(a) The name of the service
(b) The date on which it was outsourced
(c) The organisation(s) that operates the contract
(d) The length of the contract
(e) The annual cost to the council of the contract
Response from - Directorate of Regeneration, Enterprise & Skills
The Council are applying an exemption to your request.
Section 21 – Information which is reasonably accessible by other means is
exempt information.
This information is available by following the link below and carrying out
an advanced search.
Response from - Directorate of Housing and Safer Communities
(a) RBG Estate Parking management Contract
(b) The date on which it was outsourced – 26 September 2014
(c) The organisation(s) that operates the contract – Wing Parking Limited
(d) The length of the contract – Initially 4 years but with a clause to
extend to up to 4 years. The contact has been extended until 2022
(e) The annual cost to the council of the contract: Zero value Contract
(a) Stray Dog Kennelling & Collection Service
(b) Outsourced by contract procurement on 17/8/15
(c) SDK Environmental Ltd
(d) 3 years
(e) Annual budget allocation of £101,000
(a) Pest Control Service
(b) Outsourced by contract procurement 1/4/19
(c) Monitor Pest Control Ltd
(d) 3 years
(e) Annual budget allocation of £49,000
(a) Animal Welfare Services
(b) Outsourced by formal SLA on 5/10/16
(c) City of London Corporation
(d) Subject to annual review
(e) Annual budget allocation £5, 060
Housing Inclusion Service
The table below outlines all our outsourced services, which includes the
following details:
Annual Duration of
Service Name Contractor Date Sourced Contract Contract
Young People Supported Single Homeless 2^nd
Accommodation Project September £744,398 4+2 years
Young People Floating Single Homeless 2^nd
Support Project September £166.003 4+2 years
Young People Supported CAYSH 1^st April £129,581 3+2 years
Lodgings 2015
Teenage parents and Centrepoint 2^nd
young women at risk Soho September £159,000 4+2 years
housing support 2019
Domestic Abuse Housing Housing For 1^st July £383,250 4+2 years
Support Women 2019
Excluded Vulnerable 1^st October
Adults Supported ThamesReach 2019 £321,111 4+2 years
Housing (rough sleeper)
Private Rented Sector 1^st April
Accommodation for ThamesReach 2019 £83,550 4 years
Single Homeless
Debt and Money Citizen Advice 1^st April
Management Support– Bureau 2019 £63,000 4 years
7^th December
The Homelessness London Borough 2016 £25,078 2+2 years
Reviews, Section 202 of Southwark
(4) All joint ventures entered into by the authority, including the
following details:
(a)The name of the venture
(b)The date on which it began
(c) The other organisation(s) involved
(d) The services provided/purpose
Nil response
I would like the responses in Excel format with the questions and
sub-questions as column headers.
If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review. Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request. If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision.
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [2][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Communities & Environment
Royal Borough of Greenwich
' 020 8921 5044
* Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
ü Please consider the environment before printing this email
From: foi
Sent: 16 October 2019 10:08
To: 'Gareth Davies' <[FOI #604312 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-32277: Freedom of Information request - Alternative delivery
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information request: FOI-32277
Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Freedom of Information request. We are awaiting a response from the
department and we endeavour to provide a response to you as soon as
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Communities & Environment
Royal Borough of Greenwich
' 020 8921 5044
* Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
8 [3]
ü Please consider the environment before printing this email
From: foi
Sent: 17 September 2019 15:43
To: 'Gareth Davies' <[4][FOI #604312 email]>
Cc: foi <[5][Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-32277: Freedom of Information request - Alternative delivery
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information request: FOI-32277
Thank you for your request dated 17 September 2019
Your request will be answered by 15 October 2019
If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Communities & Environment
Royal Borough of Greenwich
' 020 8921 5044
* Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
ü Please consider the environment before printing this email
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