Allotment waiting lists
Dear Oldham Borough Council,
As of January 2010, please could you tell me:
1) How many allotment sites are there in Oldham for which Oldham Borough Council has access to waiting list data?
2) What is the total number of plots on these sites?
3) What is the total number of people on waiting lists for these sites?
4) Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications?
5) How many new council allotment sites were brought into use in 2009? Please give:
a) number of new sites
b) names of new sites
c) total area of new land in hectares
d) total number of new plots
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Campbell
Dear Mrs Campbell
RE: Request for Information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information received at this office on 04/01/2010. This request has been considered as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request may take up to 20 working days to be processed, and has been passed onto an appropriate officer.
Please be advised that if an exemption applies to the information that you have requested, the statutory period may be exceeded in accordance with the provisions of that Act.
Should you have any queries, please contact me on the number below.
Yours Sincerely
Nicola Jumeaux
Development Support Officer
Business Support Unit
Level 4 Civic Centre
0161 770 3307
[email address]
Dear Nicola Jumeaux,
I wrote to ODC on the 4th January requesting data on allotment waiting lists (see below). I haven't yet had a respose to this, even though by law, the authority should normally have responded promptly and by 1 February 2010. I would be very grateful if you could follow this up.
My request was as follows:
"1) How many allotment sites are there in the council area for which the Council has access to waiting list data?
2) What is the total number of plots on these sites?
3) What is the total number of people on waiting lists for these sites?
4) Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications?
5) How many new council allotment sites were brought into use in 2009? Please give:
a) number of new sites
b) names of new sites
c) total area of new land in hectares
d) total number of new plots"
Margaret Campbell
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Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
The substantive text of the response removed above stated:
I have added comments to each of the questions that you raised.
From: Margaret Campbell [mailto:[FOI #25441 email]]
Sent: 01 January 2010 15:26
To: Information Manager
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Allotment waiting lists
Dear Oldham Borough Council,
As of January 2010, please could you tell me:
1) How many allotment sites are there in Oldham for which Oldham
Borough Council has access to waiting list data? There are 18 sites all of which have waiting lists. these lists are maintained by the individual societies and are available by contacting each secretary ( list attached)
2) What is the total number of plots on these sites?431
3) What is the total number of people on waiting lists for these
sites? when information was last gathered the total was 227 in 2008
4) Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications? yes- these are available via the site secretaries.
5) How many new council allotment sites were brought into use in
2009? Please give:
a) number of new sites- none
b) names of new sites N/A
c) total area of new land in hectares N/A
d) total number of new plots
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Campbell
Richard - volunteer