We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rob Bates please sign in and let everyone know.

Allocation of social housing

We're waiting for Rob Bates to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Braintree District Council,

I wish to make an FOI request, about social housing (/council housing depending on the data that you have available) and would be grateful if you could provide the following information:

- The number of social/council housing premises in your council area which have a lead tenant who is a UK national
- the number of social/council premises which have a lead tenant who is a foreign national

2) The total number of UK nationals who are occupants of social/council housing in your council area.
- the total number of foreign nationals who are occupants of social/council housing in your council area.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Bates

Braintree District Council

Dear Rob Bates,


Thank you for your information request, received on the 14 December 2023.

Reference 7341 has been applied to your request which will be looked into
and a response provided within 20 full working days.

Should you have any queries in the meantime, please contact the Freedom of
Information Team at [1][Braintree District Council request email]

Kind regards,


Lucy Day

Performance & Improvement Assistant

Braintree District Council | Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, CM7

 01376 552525| [2]www.braintree.gov.uk



Visible links
1. mailto:[Braintree District Council request email]
2. http://www.braintree.gov.uk/

Braintree District Council

Dear Rob Bates,


Further to your information request received by Braintree District
Council, on 14 December 2023, case reference 7341 I write to advise that
the Council holds no information in respect your request detailed below.


Requested information on: Allocation of social housing  


Braintree District Council transferred its social housing stock to
Eastlight Community Homes (formerly Greenfields) in 2007.


This information may be held by Eastlight Community Homes (ECH). To send
ECH a request for information please view their website at the following




Right of internal review: If you are dissatisfied with the handling of
your request please contact us in writing, within 40 days of the receipt
of a full response, at: Emma Wisbey Governance and Member Manager,
Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, Essex,
CM7 9HB. Or e-mail: [2][Braintree District Council request email] 


Right to appeal: Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of any
internal review, you have a right of appeal under S50 of the Freedom of
Information Act, and under Regulation 11 of the Environmental Information
Regulation 2004. You can appeal against the internal review decision by
contacting the Information Commissioner at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow SK9 5AF. Or e-mail: [3][email address]



Kind regards,


Lucy Day

Performance & Improvement Assistant

Braintree District Council | Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, CM7

 01376 552525| www.braintree.gov.uk



Visible links
1. https://www.eastlighthomes.co.uk/contact...
2. mailto:[Braintree District Council request email]
3. mailto:[email address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rob Bates please sign in and let everyone know.