Allocation of places for FSM children with lower 11-plus scores

The request was successful.

Rebecca Hickman

Dear Madam or Sir,

Please can you let me know if the two places available for children receiving free school meals with 11-plus test scores between below the qualifying score of 121 were allocated for September 2018 Year 7 entry.

If they were, please can you confirm that both of the children who were allocated the places had an 11-plus test score less than 121.

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Hickman

Eunice Narcisi,

Dear Rebecca Hickman 
In response to your enquiry. No students with a preference of Dr
Challoner’s Grammar School were in receipt of free school meals and
achieved a transfer test score of at least a 100 and below 121 which would
have entitled them to a place under this part of our admissions policy for
September 2018 Year 7 entry.

On 17 May 2018 at 08:36, Lisa Harrington <[1][email address]> wrote:

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