Alleged Disability discrimination at borders collage
Dear Borders College,
I hearby ask for the following information under HM Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
A) All data in connection to all complaints (Alleged or proven) of disability discrimination made against staff members at borders collage, or the collage as an association, that the public are entitled to know under law.
Please note I do NOT seek the names of the complainers or the names of those complained against.
Thank you.
Thank you for your email. It will be passed to the appropriate
department / person for action.
Student Advice Team
Borders College
Dear Borders College,
I hearby ask for the following information under HM Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
A) All data in connection to all complaints (Alleged or proven) of
disability discrimination made against staff members at borders
collage, or the collage as an association, that the public are
entitled to know under law.
Please note I do NOT seek the names of the complainers or the names
of those complained against.
Thank you.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #131121 email]
Is [Borders College request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Borders College? If so, please contact us
using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your
web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
We hold records of complaints for 2011 and 2012 only.
In that period there have been 10 complaints relating to disability:
Four complaints about the College's admission process that have a
disability component. In three cases the investigations have upheld the
complaint and apologies have been made with necessary adjustments made to
the admissions process and places at college offered to the complainant.
In the other case the complainant was invited in to interview and we await
a response.
In two cases the complaints related to the transport service provided to
people with disability. In both cases adjustments were made to their
travel arrangements.
Three complaints were from people with unseen chronic health problems. In
all cases the staff had been unaware of the problem, the problem was
discussed with the complainant and adjustments were made to the service.
One complaint regarded other students being disrespectful to disabled
people. An apology was issued by the college with a request to help
identify the culprit(s).
I am unable to release any further detail on individual cases for data
protection reasons.
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
>>> Oysterman <[FOI #131121 email]> 25/09/2012
21:35 >>>
Dear Borders College,
I hearby ask for the following information under HM Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
A) All data in connection to all complaints (Alleged or proven) of
disability discrimination made against staff members at borders
collage, or the collage as an association, that the public are
entitled to know under law.
Please note I do NOT seek the names of the complainers or the names
of those complained against.
Thank you.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #131121 email]
Is [Borders College request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Borders College? If so, please contact us
using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your
web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Borders College,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Borders College's handling of my FOI request 'Alleged Disability discrimination at borders collage'.
I understand that the collage MUST uphold the data protection rights of others, is it possible to exsplain what was the nature of the complaints regarding admissions process ? Was it lack of interveiw, delay, lack of regard ect. If so can the collage outline what was done specifically ?
I relise that internal reveiws have been carried out by yourself and with the best intentions but technically the law requires another to reveiw the original response.
Thank you,
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Dear Borders Collage,
I note that I have not recived a response to my request for reveiw within the statutory time limit and therefore now allow 3 days from today for such a reply.
Thank you,
I note that there has been no response for a request to my reveiw, I can only allow 24 more hours for this in which I must reffer it to HM Information Commissioner for Scotland.
I have reviewed your request for further information. I refer you to
Section 8(1)(b) of the FOISA. For a request to be valid the applicant
should provide the name of the individual making the request.
In relation to your request for further information I issue a refusal
notice under 38(2) of the FOISA. To provide further information on these
issues is likely to contravene the requirements of the Data Protection
Yours sincerely
David Killean
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
>>> Oysterman <[FOI #131121 email]> 29/11/2012
14:11 >>>
I note that there has been no response for a request to my reveiw,
I can only allow 24 more hours for this in which I must reffer it
to HM Information Commissioner for Scotland.
Dear Sir
Mr Killean is currently on sick leave and unlikely to return to work
before Monday 10 December. I am dealing with his emails in his absence.
Our external email system was down all of last week therefore any emails
sent during that period were not delivered until this week when the system
was back up and running.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Kind regards
Sheila McColm
Principal's secretar
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality & Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mob. 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Save Paper!!
Be Green, Read On Screen
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
>>> Oysterman <[FOI #131121 email]> 27 November
2012 22:42 >>>
Dear Borders Collage,
I note that I have not recived a response to my request for reveiw
within the statutory time limit and therefore now allow 3 days from
today for such a reply.
Thank you,
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Oysterman (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Two arrests made. Breach of the peace x 1 Assault x 2. Trial set.
Due to circumstances this case is exempt in perpetuity from public disclosure and will remain confidential. Class: Hate crime (Transphobic/Disability)