Allegations and Complaints made in respect of Foster Carers NHSCT
Dear Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),
I am writing to make a request for the following information which I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
This request relates to the complaints and allegations concerning foster carers under the operation of the Regional Policy and Procedure for Managing Allegations and Complaints made in respect of Foster Carers in Northern Ireland (April 2015)
The Regional Policy and Procedure for Managing Allegations and Complaints (April 2015) states “A record of all allegations and complaints must be kept by the Trust and reported annually via the Delegated Statutory Functions (DSF) reporting mechanism.”
Also, the UK Minimum Standards for Foster Care (1999) state “Management Systems are in place to collate and evaluate information on the circumstances, number, and outcome of all allegations of neglect or abuse of a child in foster care.”
In addition, Department of Health Circular (OSS) 4/2015: Statutory functions/professional oversight states “ensuring the appropriate collection, maintenance and analysis of data to monitor service provision, including the discharge of DSF, and sharing such information with the HSCB;”
Please provide a copy of the Northern Health and Social Care Trust's annual report concerning foster carers of all allegations and complaints under the Regional Policy and Procedure for Managing Allegations and Complaints (April 2015) for each of the last five years (2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17)
I would like the above information to be provided to me as an electronic copy.
If the request is too broad or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand under the Act you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of the information is already in the public domain, please send it to me directly with page references or URLs when necessary.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance under the section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine the request.
I understand that you are required to respond to my request within 20 working days after receiving this request. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing you have received this request.
Yours faithfully,
Alastair Scott-McKinley
Health & Social Care has experienced unprecedented pressures due to COVID-19. The Trust understands the significance of your request and we will endeavour to meet the legislative deadlines in all situations; however, delays may occur. We therefore would appreciate your forbearance during these exceptional circumstances. Should you wish to speak to a member of staff, please contact 028 2766 1293.
Dear Alistair, I acknowledge receipt of your request below.
Your request is being processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000;
however, as you will appreciate, Health & Social Care are experiencing
pressures due to COVID 19 and you may experience a delay.
Your patience and understanding during this period is very much
Kind regards.
Irene Jardine
Information Governance Officer
Tel: 028 276 61415 (ext 363415)
Causeway House
8e Coleraine Road
Alistair, can I just clarify that you are requesting copies of these
documents listed below?
Kind regards.
Irene Jardine
Information Governance Officer
Tel: 028 276 61415 (ext 363415)
Causeway House
8e Coleraine Road
From: Jardine, Irene
Sent: 02 February 2022 11:40
To: '[FOI #828366 email]'
<[FOI #828366 email]>
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - Allegations and Complaints
made in respect of Foster Carers NHSCT - Our Reference AS310122
Dear Alistair, I acknowledge receipt of your request below.
Your request is being processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000;
however, as you will appreciate, Health & Social Care are experiencing
pressures due to COVID 19 and you may experience a delay.
Your patience and understanding during this period is very much
Kind regards.
Irene Jardine
Information Governance Officer
Tel: 028 276 61415 (ext 363415)
Causeway House
8e Coleraine Road
Dear Irene Jardin
I am requesting copies of the reports only.
I have copies of the regional policy and foster care standards.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley
Thanks Alistair, it is not clear what reports you are referring to - could you clarify please - if you could be as specific as possible as to the type of information you are requesting that would be really helpful.
Kind regards.
Irene Jardine
Information Governance Officer
Tel: 028 276 61415 (ext 363415)
Causeway House
8e Coleraine Road
Dear Irene
I am seeking the Delegated Statutory Functions Report (DSF). Specifically the report (or section of the report) that is required by the the Regional Policy and Procedure for Managing Allegations and Complaints (April 2015) which states “A record of all allegations and complaints must be kept by the Trust and reported annually via the Delegated Statutory Functions (DSF) reporting mechanism."
This report would include "information on the circumstances, number, and outcome of all allegations of neglect or abuse of a child in foster care.” Therefore the number of allegations and complaints, the type of allegation or complaint, and the outcome of the allegation or complaint for the years specified.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair Scott-McKinley
I work Mon, Wed and Friday, outside of these days
please direct your email to [Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email] or contact 028 276 61293 if urgent.
Dear Alastair
Please find attached response from the Trust to your request below.
Brian Knox
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Department
Causeway House
8E Coleraine Road
BT53 6BP
(028) 2766 1506 x363506
[email address]
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