All submissions from outside bodies and consultees on the East Chatteris BCP

The request was successful.

Dear Fenland District Council,

It is clear that when the East Chatteris BCP was put before the planning committee, in June 2017, not all of the submissions and documents provided to the council were put in the public domain.

Additionally, these comments and items of evidence were not referred to in the officer's report at Agenda Item 8 of the 21st June 2017 planning meeting. A previous FOI request also suggests that these comments were not made available to members of the planning committee.

This evidence includes:
- ecological surveys, which the council had in its possession but did not provide to members of the committee or the public
- the drainage board comments, which were not put into the public domain and (I suspect) may not have been available to councillors

At least one of these items is not even referred to in the report. The report states that water from the site will drain into a channel. It says: "This Drain connects to the Nightlayer’s Internal Drainage Board network of drains approximately 1 km to the north-east of the site". The report does not, however, state that any response or guidance was received from the drainage board(s).

I would like to request that all evidence and comments submitted in relation to the East Chatteris BCP should be published as soon as practicable, and that application F/YR21/0981/F, which relies heavily upon the existence of the East Chatteris BCP agreement, is not determined until such a time as these documents have been provided in full.

Yours faithfully,

Lawrence Weetman

foi, Fenland District Council

1 Attachment

Dear Lawrence Weetman


Thank you for your request for information which was received on
18/01/23.  We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


As required by the legislation, we aim to answer your request within 20
working days from the date we received it. If for any reason we are unable
to meet this deadline, we will keep you fully informed of the reasons for


If you have any queries about this email please contact
[1][email address]. Please remember to quote the reference number above
in any future communications.


Yours faithfully,


Freedom of Information Officer

01354 654321



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Dear foi,

Similar to my other request, I would imagine that at least some of this information would fall under the EIR regime rather than FOI due to impacts upon the environment and landscape.

Arguably, development of undeveloped land would fall under the EIR more generally in any case - so it may be possible that all of this information should be considered EIR.

Yours sincerely,

Lawrence Weetman

foi, Fenland District Council

1 Attachment

Dear Lawrence Weetman


Thank you for your request for information which we received on 18/01/23. 
We are dealing with your request under the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004.


As required by the legislation, we aim to answer your request within 20
working days from the date we received it. If for any reason we are unable
to meet this deadline, we will keep you fully informed of the reasons for


If you have any queries about this email please contact
[1][email address]. Please remember to quote the reference number above
in any future communications.


Yours faithfully,

Freedom of Information Officer

01354 654321



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Dear foi,

Please can you give me an indication as to when I will receive a response to this request?

I believe that the 20 working days period for a response expired yesterday (15th February). The Environmental Information Regulations stipulate strict time limits for responses, with less scope for an extension of time than available under the FOI regime. The only such exemption is if the information requested is too complex or the volume of information is significantly large, but I do not feel that this exemption would apply here.

Many thanks,

Lawrence Weetman

foi, Fenland District Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Weetman, I respond further to your email yesterday. 


I can provide an update as follows.  A folder with all the evidence
reports is currently being put together that will be uploaded to our
website in accordance with your request.  The officer working on these
aims to have all the reports sent across by the end of next week to our
Communications Team to upload.  


Kind regards


Freedom of Information Officer

01354 654321



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show quoted sections

foi, Fenland District Council

1 Attachment

Dear Lawrence Weetman


Thank you for your request for information which we received on 18 January
2023.  We apologise for the delay in responding to your request.



We are treating this as a request for information under the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004.


The information you requested is available here.



[1]East Chatteris Broad Concept Plan - Fenland District Council




If you have any queries about this email please contact
[2][email address]. Please remember to quote the reference number above
in any future communications.


Yours Sincerely,

Freedom of Information Officer

01354 654321



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