All learning outcomes for Medical Students

The request was successful.

Dear University of Oxford,

I would like to request all 'Learning Outcomes' or structured learning objectives given to medical students in Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This may be limited to a handbook or may be structured pdf documents that are given for each module, where applicable both are requested.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Creissen

UAS Foi, University of Oxford

Dear Mr Creissen,

I write to acknowledge receipt of your request.

We shall reply no later than the statutory deadline 13 June.

Yours sincerely

Max Todd
Assistant Registrar (Compliance)
Council Secretariat
University Offices
Wellington Square

01865 280299

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UAS Foi, University of Oxford

3 Attachments

The response to your request is attached.

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Dear University of Oxford,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of University of Oxford's handling of my FOI request 'All learning outcomes for Medical Students'.

Thank you for the information provided so far.

It is however not all the information I had intended to target under my FOIA request.

I am requesting the information given to your students as the Learning Outcomes/Learning objectives that are provided, presumably in modular form to students to give them an indication of what they need to gain from certain lectures.

An example of a learning outcome would be 'Describe the anatomy of the head & neck' this might be contained within a document given to the students named 'Anatomy & Movement'. A number of these documents would constitute all learning outcomes given to the first year medical students.

For the avoidance of doubt, these learning outcomes/learning objectives or integrated learning points may be contained in a pdf, or a handbook given to students upon commencing each year of medical school.

You have provided a broad handbook for years 4-6 which provides a very few incredibly broad 'objectives' but mainly details how the course will be run and "BM I and II 2.3 Learning outcomes" which again has very few and incredibly broad outcomes and even specifically references the 'core syllabus' within it.

Therefore I would like to respectfully ask again to be given copies of the learning objectives provided to the students as detailed above. And again for the avoidance of doubt this may be termed the 'core syllabus' by your medical school.

I would also like to ask for an internal review of this request.

Your internal review officer may wish to view the following documentation; the same request made to all UK medical schools, a significant number of which have been successful, the others are currently undergoing internal review.
These can be viewed using the following links on
We have made the same request to every UK medical school. Here are a number of positive responses for your internal review team to assess;

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Adam Creissen

UAS Foi, University of Oxford

Dear Mr Creissen,

I write to acknowledge your request of 13th July 2017 for a review of the University’s response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

The University’s aim is to respond to internal review requests within 20 working days.

Our target therefore is to send you a substantive response by 10th August 2017.

Yours sincerely,

Nina Fionda
Information Compliance Officer
Council Secretariat

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UAS Foi, University of Oxford

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Creissen,

Please see attached.

Yours sincerely

Max Todd
Assistant Registrar (Compliance)
Council Secretariat
University Offices
Wellington Square

01865 280299

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