All emails and correspondance to Aberdeenshire Council regarding Aberdeen Football Club Kingsford Stadium development

The request was successful.

Dear Aberdeen City Council,

Please provide all communications, to include letter, memos, notes, e-mails, report, draft report and any other communication between Aberdeen city council planning department including Angela Scott , Eric Owens, Bernadette marjoram, Mark Reilly, Richard Sweetman, Jamie Coventry, Gavin Evans, Garfield Prentice, Mark Wilkie and Aberdeenshire council relation to Aberdeen city planning application 170021

Yours faithfully,

Clare Davidson

Foi Enquiries, Aberdeen City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Davidson,


Thank you for your request for information, made under Section 1(1) of the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA), and received on 19 March


We would like to ask you to clarify your request so that we can identify
and locate the information which you have requested. Under Section 1(3) of
the FOISA, we do not have to supply you with the requested information
until you have provided us with more detail in this respect.


Please provide all communications, to include letter, memos, notes,
e-mails, report, draft report and any other communication between Aberdeen
city council planning department including Angela Scott , Eric Owens,
Bernadette marjoram, Mark Reilly, Richard Sweetman, Jamie Coventry, Gavin
Evans, Garfield Prentice, Mark Wilkie and Aberdeenshire council relation
to Aberdeen city planning application 170021


We would be extremely grateful if you could specify a timeframe for your
request ?


In the meantime, as we received another identical request from you where
you provided a timeframe, would you like to maybe withdrawn this request ?


Clarifying these points will help us to be sure we are providing, where
possible, the information you are interested in.  Please note we will keep
your request on file for 20 working days whilst we await your
clarification.  It can often be helpful to discuss your request with a
member of our team who may be able to help you frame your request or
explain more about how ACC holds its information; if this is something you
feel may be helpful please do call us, and we will be happy to assist you.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,



Salomeh Kheyri Rad
Information Compliance Officer

Information Compliance Team
Customer Service
Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council
3rd Floor North

Business Hub 17
Marischal College
Broad Street

[1][Aberdeen City Council request email]

Tel 03000 200 292


*03000 numbers are free to call if you have ‘free minutes’ included in
your mobile call plan.

Calls from BT landlines will be charged at the local call rate of 10.24p
per minute (the same as 01224s).






IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail (including any attachment to it) is
confidential, protected by copyright and may be privileged. The
information contained in it should be used for its intended purposes only.
If you receive this email in error, notify the sender by reply email,
delete the received email and do not make use of, disclose or copy it.
Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that our emails are free
from viruses, we cannot be responsible for any viruses transmitted with
this email and recommend that you subject any incoming email to your own
virus checking procedures. Unless related to Council business, the
opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and they do not
necessarily constitute those of Aberdeen City Council. Unless we expressly
say otherwise in this email or its attachments, neither this email nor its
attachments create, form part of or vary any contractual or unilateral
obligation. Aberdeen City Council's incoming and outgoing email is subject
to regular monitoring.


Visible links
1. mailto:[Aberdeen City Council request email]

Dear Foi Enquiries,

I am looking for all communications between 29th January 2018 and 19th March 2018 please.

Yours sincerely,

Clare Davidson

Foi Enquiries, Aberdeen City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Davidson,


Information enquiry reference EIR-18-0492.


Many thanks for your recent clarification of your information request,
which we received on 19 March 2018. 


The scheduled date for our response to your request for information is on
or before 17 April 2018.


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries in the


Yours sincerely,


Grant Webster

Information Compliance Officer



Information Compliance Team | Customer Service | Corporate Governance
Aberdeen City Council, Business Hub 17, 3^rd Floor North, Marischal
College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ
Tel 03000 200 292
Email [1][Aberdeen City Council request email]



*03000 numbers are free to call if you have ‘free minutes’ included in
your mobile call plan.

Calls from BT landlines will be charged at the local call rate of 10.24p
per minute (the same as 01224s).



IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail (including any attachment to it) is
confidential, protected by copyright and may be privileged. The
information contained in it should be used for its intended purposes only.
If you receive this email in error, notify the sender by reply email,
delete the received email and do not make use of, disclose or copy it.
Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that our emails are free
from viruses, we cannot be responsible for any viruses transmitted with
this email and recommend that you subject any incoming email to your own
virus checking procedures. Unless related to Council business, the
opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and they do not
necessarily constitute those of Aberdeen City Council. Unless we expressly
say otherwise in this email or its attachments, neither this email nor its
attachments create, form part of or vary any contractual or unilateral
obligation. Aberdeen City Council's incoming and outgoing email is subject
to regular monitoring.


Visible links
1. mailto:[Aberdeen City Council request email]

Foi Enquiries, Aberdeen City Council

13 Attachments

Our References: EIR-18-0492 and EIR-18-0493 – Kingsford Stadium


Dear Ms Davidson,


Thank you for your clarified information request of 19 March 2018. 
Aberdeen City Council (ACC) has completed the necessary search for the
information requested.


Please provide all communications, to include letter, memos, notes,
e-mails, report, draft report and any other communication between Aberdeen
city council planning department including Angela Scott , Eric Owens,
Bernadette Marjoram, Mark Reilly, Richard Sweetnam, Jamie Coventry, Gavin
Evans, Garfield Prentice, Mark Wilkie and Aberdeenshire council relation
to Aberdeen city planning application 170021.  I am looking for all
communications between 29th January 2018 and 19th March 2018 please.

Please refer to the attached emails held by ACC. Due to the volume of
information being provided, we will send multiple emails.


ACC is unable to provide you with information on the names and direct
contacts of individuals below Head of Service level and signatures as it
is excepted from disclosure. In order to comply with its obligations under
the terms of Regulation 13 of the EIRs, ACC hereby gives notice that we
are refusing your request under the terms of Regulation 11(2) in
conjunction with Regulation 11(3)(a)(i) – Personal Information - of the


In making this decision ACC considered the following points:


ACC is of the opinion that Regulation 11(2) applies to the information
specified above as the information in question is personal information
relating to living individuals, and the applicant is not the data subject.


ACC is of the opinion that Regulation 11(3)(a)(i) applies, as ACC
considers that disclosure of this information would be a breach of the
first Data Protection Principle (that personal information must be
processed fairly and lawfully) and second Data Protection Principle
(personal information must only be processed for a specific and lawful
purpose).  Individuals named within the attached documents and ACC
Officers below Chief Officer level would not expect ACC to release this
information about them into the public domain under the EIRs (or the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA)).


Further information regarding the Kingsford Stadium planning application
can be found at the following links:


EIR-17-0748 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-0846 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1428 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1440 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1441 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-18-0181 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-18-0236 – Kingsford Stadium



We hope this helps with your request.


Yours sincerely,


Grant Webster

Information Compliance Officer





As the information which you requested is environmental information, as
defined under Regulation 2(1) of the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 (the EIRs), ACC considered that it was exempt from
release through FOISA, and must therefore give you notice that we are
refusing  your request under Section 39(2) of FOISA (Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002).  However, you have a separate right to
access the information which you have requested under Regulation 5 of the
EIRs, under which ACC has handled your request. Please refer to the
attached PDF for more information about your rights under the EIRs.



Information Compliance Team | Customer Feedback | Customer Experience
Aberdeen City Council, Business Hub 17, 3^rd Floor North, Marischal
College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ
Tel 03000 200 292
Email [8][Aberdeen City Council request email]



*03000 numbers are free to call if you have ‘free minutes’ included in
your mobile call plan.

Calls from BT landlines will be charged at the local call rate of 10.24p
per minute (the same as 01224s).



IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail (including any attachment to it) is
confidential, protected by copyright and may be privileged. The
information contained in it should be used for its intended purposes only.
If you receive this email in error, notify the sender by reply email,
delete the received email and do not make use of, disclose or copy it.
Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that our emails are free
from viruses, we cannot be responsible for any viruses transmitted with
this email and recommend that you subject any incoming email to your own
virus checking procedures. Unless related to Council business, the
opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and they do not
necessarily constitute those of Aberdeen City Council. Unless we expressly
say otherwise in this email or its attachments, neither this email nor its
attachments create, form part of or vary any contractual or unilateral
obligation. Aberdeen City Council's incoming and outgoing email is subject
to regular monitoring.


Visible links
8. mailto:[Aberdeen City Council request email]

Foi Enquiries, Aberdeen City Council

12 Attachments

Our References: EIR-18-0492 and EIR-18-0493 – Kingsford Stadium


Dear Ms Davidson,


Thank you for your clarified information request of 19 March 2018. 
Aberdeen City Council (ACC) has completed the necessary search for the
information requested.


Please provide all communications, to include letter, memos, notes,
e-mails, report, draft report and any other communication between Aberdeen
city council planning department including Angela Scott , Eric Owens,
Bernadette Marjoram, Mark Reilly, Richard Sweetnam, Jamie Coventry, Gavin
Evans, Garfield Prentice, Mark Wilkie and Aberdeenshire council relation
to Aberdeen city planning application 170021.  I am looking for all
communications between 29th January 2018 and 19th March 2018 please.

Please refer to the attached emails held by ACC. Due to the volume of
information being provided, we will send multiple emails.


ACC is unable to provide you with information on the names and direct
contacts of individuals below Head of Service level and signatures as it
is excepted from disclosure. In order to comply with its obligations under
the terms of Regulation 13 of the EIRs, ACC hereby gives notice that we
are refusing your request under the terms of Regulation 11(2) in
conjunction with Regulation 11(3)(a)(i) – Personal Information - of the


In making this decision ACC considered the following points:


ACC is of the opinion that Regulation 11(2) applies to the information
specified above as the information in question is personal information
relating to living individuals, and the applicant is not the data subject.


ACC is of the opinion that Regulation 11(3)(a)(i) applies, as ACC
considers that disclosure of this information would be a breach of the
first Data Protection Principle (that personal information must be
processed fairly and lawfully) and second Data Protection Principle
(personal information must only be processed for a specific and lawful
purpose).  Individuals named within the attached documents and ACC
Officers below Chief Officer level would not expect ACC to release this
information about them into the public domain under the EIRs (or the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA)).


Further information regarding the Kingsford Stadium planning application
can be found at the following links:


EIR-17-0748 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-0846 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1428 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1440 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1441 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-18-0181 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-18-0236 – Kingsford Stadium



We hope this helps with your request.


Yours sincerely,


Grant Webster

Information Compliance Officer





As the information which you requested is environmental information, as
defined under Regulation 2(1) of the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 (the EIRs), ACC considered that it was exempt from
release through FOISA, and must therefore give you notice that we are
refusing  your request under Section 39(2) of FOISA (Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002).  However, you have a separate right to
access the information which you have requested under Regulation 5 of the
EIRs, under which ACC has handled your request. Please refer to the
attached PDF for more information about your rights under the EIRs.



Information Compliance Team | Customer Feedback | Customer Experience
Aberdeen City Council, Business Hub 17, 3^rd Floor North, Marischal
College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ
Tel 03000 200 292
Email [8][Aberdeen City Council request email]



*03000 numbers are free to call if you have ‘free minutes’ included in
your mobile call plan.

Calls from BT landlines will be charged at the local call rate of 10.24p
per minute (the same as 01224s).



IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail (including any attachment to it) is
confidential, protected by copyright and may be privileged. The
information contained in it should be used for its intended purposes only.
If you receive this email in error, notify the sender by reply email,
delete the received email and do not make use of, disclose or copy it.
Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that our emails are free
from viruses, we cannot be responsible for any viruses transmitted with
this email and recommend that you subject any incoming email to your own
virus checking procedures. Unless related to Council business, the
opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and they do not
necessarily constitute those of Aberdeen City Council. Unless we expressly
say otherwise in this email or its attachments, neither this email nor its
attachments create, form part of or vary any contractual or unilateral
obligation. Aberdeen City Council's incoming and outgoing email is subject
to regular monitoring.


Visible links
8. mailto:[Aberdeen City Council request email]

Foi Enquiries, Aberdeen City Council

13 Attachments

Our References: EIR-18-0492 and EIR-18-0493 – Kingsford Stadium


Dear Ms Davidson,


Thank you for your clarified information request of 19 March 2018. 
Aberdeen City Council (ACC) has completed the necessary search for the
information requested.


Please provide all communications, to include letter, memos, notes,
e-mails, report, draft report and any other communication between Aberdeen
city council planning department including Angela Scott , Eric Owens,
Bernadette Marjoram, Mark Reilly, Richard Sweetnam, Jamie Coventry, Gavin
Evans, Garfield Prentice, Mark Wilkie and Aberdeenshire council relation
to Aberdeen city planning application 170021.  I am looking for all
communications between 29th January 2018 and 19th March 2018 please.

Please refer to the attached emails held by ACC. Due to the volume of
information being provided, we will send multiple emails.


ACC is unable to provide you with information on the names and direct
contacts of individuals below Head of Service level and signatures as it
is excepted from disclosure. In order to comply with its obligations under
the terms of Regulation 13 of the EIRs, ACC hereby gives notice that we
are refusing your request under the terms of Regulation 11(2) in
conjunction with Regulation 11(3)(a)(i) – Personal Information - of the


In making this decision ACC considered the following points:


ACC is of the opinion that Regulation 11(2) applies to the information
specified above as the information in question is personal information
relating to living individuals, and the applicant is not the data subject.


ACC is of the opinion that Regulation 11(3)(a)(i) applies, as ACC
considers that disclosure of this information would be a breach of the
first Data Protection Principle (that personal information must be
processed fairly and lawfully) and second Data Protection Principle
(personal information must only be processed for a specific and lawful
purpose).  Individuals named within the attached documents and ACC
Officers below Chief Officer level would not expect ACC to release this
information about them into the public domain under the EIRs (or the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA)).


Further information regarding the Kingsford Stadium planning application
can be found at the following links:


EIR-17-0748 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-0846 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1428 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1440 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-17-1441 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-18-0181 – Kingsford Stadium



EIR-18-0236 – Kingsford Stadium



We hope this helps with your request.


Yours sincerely,


Grant Webster

Information Compliance Officer





As the information which you requested is environmental information, as
defined under Regulation 2(1) of the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 (the EIRs), ACC considered that it was exempt from
release through FOISA, and must therefore give you notice that we are
refusing  your request under Section 39(2) of FOISA (Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002).  However, you have a separate right to
access the information which you have requested under Regulation 5 of the
EIRs, under which ACC has handled your request. Please refer to the
attached PDF for more information about your rights under the EIRs.



Information Compliance Team | Customer Feedback | Customer Experience
Aberdeen City Council, Business Hub 17, 3^rd Floor North, Marischal
College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ
Tel 03000 200 292
Email [8][Aberdeen City Council request email]



*03000 numbers are free to call if you have ‘free minutes’ included in
your mobile call plan.

Calls from BT landlines will be charged at the local call rate of 10.24p
per minute (the same as 01224s).



IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail (including any attachment to it) is
confidential, protected by copyright and may be privileged. The
information contained in it should be used for its intended purposes only.
If you receive this email in error, notify the sender by reply email,
delete the received email and do not make use of, disclose or copy it.
Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that our emails are free
from viruses, we cannot be responsible for any viruses transmitted with
this email and recommend that you subject any incoming email to your own
virus checking procedures. Unless related to Council business, the
opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and they do not
necessarily constitute those of Aberdeen City Council. Unless we expressly
say otherwise in this email or its attachments, neither this email nor its
attachments create, form part of or vary any contractual or unilateral
obligation. Aberdeen City Council's incoming and outgoing email is subject
to regular monitoring.


Visible links
8. mailto:[Aberdeen City Council request email]