all data held on Dr Michael john she'll

Department of Health and Social Care did not have the information requested.

dr michael sheill

Dear Department of Health,
i am aware that your Dept hold information on Dr Michael sheill
could you please supply all correspondance data either held on written on electronic form on my file at your Dept
all correspondance between health care commission general medical council house of commons sir Ian Kennedy concerning Dr Michael john sheill
letter of complaints from Dr a buckland also letter of complaint from Archie Norman to gmc in 2003 2004 2002
Yours faithfully,

Dr Michael john sheill

Department of Health and Social Care

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Mark Goodge left an annotation ()

This isn't going to work. See for why not.

Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Dr Sheill,

Thank you for your email of 14 April 2011 requesting information about
yourself. This request falls under the provision of the Data Protection
Act 1998 (DPA).

Specifically you requested for:
"all correspondence data either held on written on electronic form on my
file at your Dept. All correspondence between Health Care Commission,
General Medical Council, House of Commons, Sir Ian Kennedy concerning Dr
Michael John Sheill. Letter of complaints from Dr A Buckland also
letter of complaint from Archie Norman to GMC in 2003, 2004 and 2002".

The Health Care Commission is now known as the Care Quality Commission. It
appears from your request that you are seeking information that may be held
by the following organisations:

Care Quality Commission
The General Medical Council and
The House of Commons

I attach their respective addresses at the end of this email as these
organisations are data controllers themselves. However, if you have reason
to believe that the Department of Health (DH) may hold your personal data,
please write to me using the address at the end of this email. Please
enclose a copy of your passport and the names of the relevant Policy Unit
or Officials within DH that may hold your personal data.

This is in line with Section 7(3) of the DPA. Section 7(3) states that, "
A data controller is not obliged to comply with a request unless he is
supplied with such information as he may reasonably require in order to
satisfy himself as to the identity of the person making the request and to
locate the information which that person seeks".

CQC National Correspondence
Newcastle upon Tyne
or email: [email address]

The General Medical Council
Regent's Place
350 Euston Road

The Clerk Of The House
The House of Commons

I hope that this information is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Otto
Data Protection Officer
Information Services
Direct Line: 0207 972 5843
GTN Tel: 396 25843
Email: [email address]
Address: Department of Health | Room 334B Skipton House | 80 London Road |
London SE1 6LH

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